To all the Teachers of English للمناقشة
عنوان الموضوع : To all the Teachers of English للمناقشة
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
Salam my friends
All the inspectors of English will have seminar form 22 to 26 with the ones who planned those changes ,so please read the document in french it's what u got in ur school booklets , read and make a list of all your inquiries and send them to your inspectors, we need to move and make our voice heard , at least they can make a unified yearly plannings .
Good Luck.
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>>>> الرد الأول :
thank you sir , but will the seminar take a full week
>>>> الرد الثاني :
Salam Madam
yes 4 days
Inchaa Allah
I hope you provide your inspectors with your comments
Good Luck
>>>> الرد الثالث :
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mr.Samir Bounab
Salam my friends
All the inspectors of English will have seminar form 22 to 26 with the ones who planned those changes ,so please read the document in french it's what u got in ur school booklets , read and make a list of all your inquiries and send them to your inspectors, we need to move and make our voice heard , at least they can make a unified yearly plannings .
Good Luck. |
Hi brother Samir but which changes you are speaking about ?....I hope that all teachers and inspectors will speak about this new procedure TD because it d'ont work well Iam sure .. Thank you .
>>>> الرد الرابع :
A question Sir Samir : What if we ask the headmaster to let us working one hour English with all the class for example this week English and French in the next week or isn't it legal ? What do you think Sir Samir ...Because in our school we have a very scareful headmaster he doesn't care at all about his teachers. For example I work 21 hours per week .And I have(6 classes ) 2 AM and 4AM . While French teachers have only 15 hours with 3 (4AM) classes when I asked him to help us and let us working week/week he said no this is illegal.
And please teachers tell us who is working with groups and who is working with classes the first week for English and the second week for French
.And did your headmasters accept this method? tell me please Iam waiting you
>>>> الرد الخامس :
Inspectors? They are ready to make us teach Chinese or any other ******** for the sake of their Lords. We are fed up with the sylabus. English is considered as a main subject but with a low weigh and less hours and with two tests per term.
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة foued_18
A question Sir Samir : What if we ask the headmaster to let us working one hour English with all the class for example this week English and French in the next week or isn't it legal ? What do you think Sir Samir ...Because in our school we have a very scareful headmaster he doesn't care at all about his teachers. For example I work 21 hours per week .And I have(6 classes ) 2 AM and 4AM . While French teachers have only 15 hours with 3 (4AM) classes when I asked him to help us and let us working week/week he said no this is illegal.
And please teachers tell us who is working with groups and who is working with classes the first week for English and the second week for French
.And did your headmasters accept this method? tell me please Iam waiting you |
Salam brother Foued
Thank you for your message and sorry to be late
concerning the working hour , it's clear and official 1 hours for each group of each class all the class will benefit during 15 days
just be cool my friend this hour is to remediate the weakness of your learners it's not necessary that the groups study the same thing , this depends on the weakness of the group
Now the inspectors are in seminar in Blida and we sent them our remarks and believe me they are doing great efforts to make something for the teachers and learners specially about the TD hours
what I advise you is to read the new changes, discuss them and understand them , then things will be clear and you will know what do to in a right way conform to the official instructions and to the level , interests and needs of your learners
Good Luck
Hi,brother Samir and all my colleagues
Well,I have a suggestion concerning the TD.Since we are dealing with groups,what do you
think if we make this hour an oral session? I think it would be better
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111
Hi,brother Samir and all my colleagues
Well,I have a suggestion concerning the TD.Since we are dealing with groups,what do you
think if we make this hour an oral session? I think it would be better
Salam Brother
yes I agree , what teachers should bear in mind the work in group is not new for us as teachers of English , we started that with the new approach in 2004 with the project work and I tackled this in seminars while training my colleagues and published the document even here on this great Mountada
منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب > منتديات التعليم المتوسط > قسم التربية لمناقشات الأساتذة ....و طرق التدريس
فضاء تنسيقي خاص بمادة الانجليزية .
you will find that entitled "Project Pedagogy"
but teachers ignored the project itself ( although it's the final production of the file)
so this hour ( TD) is great occasion to follow up the l t
earners and prevent them to go to cybers and be exploited ,
in this hour as i said before teachers can use modern technologies ( laptop, dara show , internet) all this must serve to remediate all what our learners suffer from and it is not necessary that the same work must be done for the 2 groups .
Groups must be formed not like they are in science and physics some are following that , they must take into account the learners levels and motivation , normally they will send us a guide for that and this idea about TD was planned for next year , in order to provide the guide for TDs and also some have suggested booklets for the MS4 pupils ( worksheet book)
The teacher is the only one who knows his /her learners , and knows better what to do to remediate their weakness what is important is all what is done in the TDs seances they must be conform to the official program and serve the Exit profile which they are insisting on in this 2013 slimming down
Sorry for being long
May Allah bless You
I think that the Td sessions are so important for us as teachers of English .We'll have many things to do during those sessions .But still have problems with the 1st and 2nd year levels !!!!Do u think two hours per week are enough to achieve their programme ?
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nina02
I think that the Td sessions are so important for us as teachers of English .We'll have many things to do during those sessions .But still have problems with the 1st and 2nd year levels !!!!Do u think two hours per week are enough to achieve their programme ? |
Salam my Friend
COncerning the TD here are some suggestion taks that can be done
Typology of tasks and activities
Product and process oriented tasks:
Meaningful and manipulative ********
Project work
Role play and simulations
Survey/ questionnaire
Listing /categorizing
Information gap
Cloze test/gap filling
Matching/ jigsaw
Problem solving activities
Selecting material
Story telling
Information transfer
Presentation of a group work/ poster .
You can find all the details here
Concerning the Working hours for MS1 and 2 , certainly this timing is not enough and the ONES who made the slimming down of the syllabus were informed about the New working hours AFTER the responsibles of making the slimming had finished their work
Now what to do ?
1) Teachers a have to teach the program and not the books
2) Teachers were given some freemdom , this means to combine the learning objectives that go toegether
3) I suggest the TD hours will be used to make taks that consolidate the lesson tasks
4) do the tests and correct them in these hours in coordination with the teachers of French
5) We have to work with timing and make assessment and send these remarks to our inspectors , with such remarks we can progress
Good Luck
Thank you very much this is really what we need MAY GOD BLESS YOU
How about :talk about causes and effects of pollution which is mentioned in the MS4 exit profile ????
well this is on page 87
( where do we stand ) a task about keeping one's how town clean
( using if close)
the question is how to tackle that ?
PPU speaking lesson
PDP ( listening or reading one?)
take care
Thanks for yur answer
Yes ,I've seen it in file 3,But file 3 is going to be taught in the 2nd term according to the yearly distribution .And " talk about causes and effect of pollution " is in the 1st term lerrning objectives .
Don't they mean to replace the paragraph which is in file 2 about animal in way of extiction by pollution ??????
If it's yes , I think it will be better to do this lesson as a kind of revision or reinforcement in the Td sessions (guided work sessions ) as a text with the reading comprehension qqs , mastery of ******** and of course a written expression .