correction of BEM June 2016
عنوان الموضوع : correction of BEM June 2016
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
here is correction of BEM June 2016
not official one
here is the link
Here is a PDF copy
good luck
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
جاري الفحص ادا كان الملف ملغم او لا
>>>> الرد الثاني :
واش التلغيم لحق حتى اللهنة
>>>> الرد الثالث :
ايه قادرين يحطو روابط ملغمة
>>>> الرد الرابع :
non link biien merci khouya
>>>> الرد الخامس :
حملو ليس بملغم
شكرااااااااااا دروك نحملوووووو
شكرااا لخي و اسفة لاننا شككنا فيييييك
please wait me i'll send you my paragraph and correct it pleassssssssssssssssssssss
قمت برسم الاطار
dear x
i'm realy happy for you my dear friend it seemed like you had fantastic holydays in Italy.
my holydays was quite boring
my parents was abroad as a result i had to spend the first week at home.
During the first week i had to look after my small brother , in the second week my parents came back therefore i went to Bijaia ,ispent a lovely time there .i had my meals in a big restaurent which serves tacty meals .it was the best holydays in my life
i wish that i meet you soon
yours x
احترمت علامات الوقف
مع العلم ان الجزء الاول كامل صحيح ماعدا لم اكتب beaches
ياخوتي لازم تعسوا رواحكم مشي تحملوا برك الناس ضرك راح تحط مواضيع ملغمة
مرة واحد وضع هنا مواضيع ملغمة سرق واحد 68 حساب انترنت ايزي
نتوما الخاسرين ماشي انا
لكن اخي يوسف كيفاه نعرفو ان الرابط ملغم
thanks for your reply
well concerning the correction of the this year it will take more consideration of the written expression
you can see that in the table i put about that
here I can see a great production even if there are spelling mistakes
since your form is a letter 1pt
the topic u r speaking about ur holidays 1pt
the opening sentence is great
although u adapted some ideas from the text , i think u deserve more than 3 or 4 points on it
inchaa allah all the success
good luck for tomor
thank you veryyyyyyyyyyy much and the texte ie so easy
i expected more sir
can i get 5,5
because i really need a good mark
my mother is an english teacher
and the told me that i deserve more than 5
but i want your desision because you are the best teacher in algeria
and thanks for your topics