عنوان الموضوع : ساعدوني الله ينجحكم مع اقتراب الامتحانا سنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

من فضلكم اريد مساعدتي في تمرين write it out صفحة 50 في الانجليزية السنة الثانية ثانوي اداب و لغات اجنبية ارجو الحل و باقرب وقت ممكن

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

Ladies and gentlemen, let me make this point right away: age limits are not fair! I want to vote, but I can’t do that at the age of sixteen. “I’m sorry, you are too young”, they sat. I’m not an adult until I’m nineteen. But when I buy a plane ticket, I have to pay the full fare. I am an adult although I’m just sixteen. At the age of sixteen I cannot join the army, but if I have to work, that will be for a full time.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a dream that children of my age will be able to live their childhood as normal as possible. I have a dream to have the right to live in peace, a dream that could never be realized unless the adults would care about us.
Our grandparents were able to assume their responsibilities at an early age. How about us? Give us a chance to try do that and to prove it. I hope we’ll be able to express our opinions and feelings freely. I hope we’ll be able to show the adults that we can do things just as they do if not better. But keep us far from wars
Thank you very much for your kind attention, ladies and gentlemen. Please sign the petition entitled DOWN WITH AGE LIMITS which is being circulated by my classmates. God bless you all!


>>>> الرد الثاني :


>>>> الرد الثالث :


>>>> الرد الرابع :


>>>> الرد الخامس :
