عنوان الموضوع : مساعدة في مشروع الانجليزية سنة 2 ثانوي
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Keep Your City Clean
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>>>> الرد الثاني :
Extracting fuel from waste (Refuse-Derived Fuel, RDF)
At present there are several plants for recycling of solid waste in a manner that mechanical separation of the material non- burning , such as ****l, glass , and then directing the remaining organic material to produce fuel systems . The process of extracting fuel from waste is easier than complex mechanical separation processes , and which is also used ash (Ash) as a burn with coal for power generation . We have strict laws and regulations set by some European countries regarding waste incineration to reduce the use of this method .
2.1.6 develop gas sanitary landfills
Uses gas generated from sanitary landfills to burn in furnaces and boilers to produce steam for electric power generation or production of hot water for heating purposes . There are around 240 ********s around the world and has reached its capacity to 440 in 1992 . One of the big projects in the world generates 46 MW. If each ton of waste produced in theory between 300 and 1,500 cubic meters of gas a ******* Taqoa *****alent to 5 GJ or 6 GJ site and in ten years old or more . Because of difficulties in extracting gas and management of underground conditions , the efficiency of production ranges between 25 % and 50% .
The cost of power generation from landfill gas is very encouraging , as the production of energy from these systems ranges between 4 and 6 cents per kilowatt - hour . In the case of the production of 150 cubic meters of gas per ton of solid waste it can generate electrical energy of $ 5 TWh per year .
3.1.6 fermented anaerobic solid waste
We can use other methods to produce gas from sanitary landfills , one subjected to the process of waste controlled well in Mhadm manufactured . In these circumstances, the digestion is in weeks rather than years . The digester is fed by easing solid waste fluids sewer . The advantage of this Alhoadm compared to using landfills , is the possibility erected near residential areas and do not need this garbage to be transported over long distances as well as they are only a few of the land area .
We have been developing such systems in the United States . The figure shows (1-6) system that collects useful materials from the solid waste and produce methane gas by Alhoadm and electric power generation by the heat of combustion of solid waste .
Form (1-6) : The system collects useful materials from the solid waste and produce methane gas and electric power generation
4.1.6 industrial and commercial waste
Is collecting huge amounts of industrial and commercial waste in every city . Although about two-thirds of this waste combustible , as a significant portion of which is suitable for the collection of household waste to the different quality of the materials . Venfallat food processing operations , for example , must be addressed before putting waste to minimize the effect of biological and chemical materials , and are then placed in the digester to produce thermal energy . And hospital waste incinerated likes to avoid contamination . The large quantities of used tires that are thrown in the waste can be burned and converted into heat , too.
2-6 energy crops
It crops grown specifically for energy production , has directed attention to in recent years . Reducing the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the main reasons to use sources of biomass and other renewable energy sources instead of conventional fuels , but for this use in some countries , among other reasons to increase agricultural production and reduce dependence on imported oil . And the preferred crops grown dependent on the availability of qualified local conditions , including the burning of wood , and plants for the production of ethanol , and crops with oil -rich core . The table shows (1-6) the amount of the annual production of some crops used for this purpose .
1.2.6 wood crops
Wood remains the main source of energy in most countries in Asia, Africa and some countries in South America . The wood (or charcoal ) is the main fuel used in the homes of most of these countries , and is used in large quantities in industrial consumption . In Brazil , for example, steel mills use more than two million tons of charcoal per year . Although sources of wood is very important . When the presence of industry cut wood in the forests available large amounts of waste , but the continuation of the industry could lead to the extinction of the forest in the future , and the best solution to this problem is the cultivation of fast-growing trees . The old method used for hundreds of years and that is where cutting tree trunks and let it grow again , is also one of the ways in which her experience many of the developing countries.
It is fast-growing trees poplar and willow . When intensively cultivated 5,000 to 20,000 trees per hectare for a distance of $ 5X1 and 1X2 m m can be obtained on the production of 10 tonnes per hectare per year for a period of close to thirty years .
I've spent the Swedish government about 179 million U.S. dollars during the past five years for the development of the forest industry in order to be exploited for the production of energy from biomass . A recent study has shown that the annual contribution of biofuels will increase from currently 250 PJ to 700 PJ in 2000, with the contribution of the fuel that is produced from the forest of 50 % .
2.2.6 Alaathlee produce alcohol ( ethanol ) from sugar cane
The production of ethanol from sugar cane or corn is a method currently used in many areas of the world. In Brazil, the production of more than 100 billion liters since the beginning of the program in 1975, depending on the sugar mills , has been thus saving huge amounts of imported fuel . There are more than four million vehicles operating in Brazil ethanol Net , and nine million working Bgasulan another vehicle containing 20% ethanol .
The state Zimbabwe African they have the successful program in this area and that the production of 40 million liters per year, depending on the institution manufactures sugar, ethanol , and carbon dioxide , and fodder for livestock , and power generation as well as to recycle waste remaining to be used as fertilizer for the sugar cane fields . There are also small plants for the manufacture of ethanol in Kenya and Malawi .
The decline in the sugar industry in the Caribbean and other areas came as a result of the use of new types of sugar cane with a high ******* of biomass, which is one of the best plants producing sugar cane compared to normal , which produces 30 to 40 tons per hectare Java . The new Cane ( cane energy ) can be produced from 60 to 70 tons per hectare Java . Most of these quantities resulting from increased fiber ******* , although the amount of sugar the product could be lower, but the losses resulting from this deficiency offset by the extra energy in the form of waste useful. It is possible to economically burn some of the cane sugar directly without extracting it.
3.2.6 normal corn and white corn Chinese
The evolution of the production of ethanol produced from corn mixed with gasoline in the United States extensively. In 1990, production was 3.4 billion liters by distillation plants in 22 states . This amount has consistently increasing.
And are now grown in Brazil and the United States are different types of sweet herbs , such as grain and herbs, similar to sugar cane to be converted into alcohol used as fuel .
4.2.6 vegetable oil
Can extract the nucleus in several crushing plants for the production of large quantities of oil , which is of hydrocarbons . And vegetable oil has a ******* Taqoa estimated (9-37 GJ / ton ( a little like diesel (GJ / ton 42), and the highest in this case of ethanol (GJ / ton 30). Several oils can be burned directly in diesel engines , either pure or after being mixed with diesel fuel , but the mixture that contains a high percentage of oil could fill outlets pumping fuel and congregate on other parts of the machine . could avoid this phenomenon by mixing the oil with ethanol or methanol and mixing 30% of the vegetable oil with diesel , a method currently used . currently used coconut oil in trucks and buses in the Philippines . while palm oil it is currently being used in Brazil , and the sunflower oil it is most commonly used in South Africa .
3-6 environmental benefits resulting from the use of biomass sources
I have received the environmental impact resulting from the use of biomass energy with great interest even though the burning of waste has environmental impacts as well, but the fuel produced from biomass sends the amount of carbon dioxide less than 65% of the amount of conventional fuel . The desired results from the expansion of the production of energy crops will be the promising results .
If one means of reducing the high temperature of the air is to install the amount of carbon dioxide by planting trees over large areas . The forest trees to absorb carbon dioxide is a suitable way to reduce the environmental damage , but the substitution of biomass fuels instead of conventional fuel is a better solution. The cost depends reduce carbon dioxide and its potential in this way on the efficiency of energy conversion in the development and burning of biomass sources and the type of fuel that is replace it . Although coal is a candidate material for this purpose .
The bio-fuel is cleaner concerning the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide , and the emission of acid gases Koksid sulfur and nitrogen oxide .
In order to avoid the occurrence of explosions resulting from the emission of methane and spread of sanitary landfills , the extraction of this gas and burned provide additional environmental benefits as a result of conversion to methane gas , which is less harmful than carbon dioxide . It should be noted that methane has the ability to more heat-trapping carbon dioxide by about 25 times .
4-6 power photosynthesis
All living organisms rely on food that is made in the leaves of plants by the process of photosynthesis . And benefit the plant by about 5 % of the energy that reaches the earth from the sun in the process of photosynthesis . This part of the energy , although relatively small , is working on the production of between 150 and 200 billion tons of dry organic matter .
Scientists have been able to at the end of the nineteenth century to reach the equation of photosynthesis and prove that green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy stored in organic compounds made by the plant , sugar and most important of these vehicles. The equation is the following :
This equation , in fact, characterized the real interactions of photosynthesis . The materials sugar ( glucose ) (C6H12O6) does not consist of mixing carbon dioxide (CO2) with water so simple, because the synthesizer is carbonic acid (H2CO3). Therefore, the equation shows materials consumed in the process and the resulting materials , including , without exposure to the steps and stages in a row and the minute .
The estimated amount of carbon involved in this process annually about 200 billion tons . This comes from the carbon dioxide emissions that do not exceed the percentage in the air for 0.3% of the components of the atmosphere .
It could be argued that in the absence of photosynthesis to life found on Earth. This is due to the fact that all living organisms depends on its capacity to obtain the necessary green plants self-feeding , as these objects energy-producing chemicals.
>>>> الرد الثالث :
Classification of household waste
Method of solid household waste collection
Solid waste
All items are unusable or undesirable due to the process of the use or disposal of production and went to the media after receiving the treatment , which arise from the use of the following materials
Paper: newsprint , offices , schools , and other cardboard .
Glass: bottles , *******ments , broken glass cut
Aluminum soda cans
Plastic: water bottles , plastic bags and covers agriculture
Other ****ls : canning , car bodies and batteries.
Other materials : used car tires waste building materials furniture, used clothing .
Turbid water
Water resulting from the use of houses and these water turbid colored diagonal yellow or dark contain organic material remnants of food urine and chemicals such as soap and detergents , which include water for kitchen, wash water and water baths and hydrocarbons and some types of bacteria that cause serious diseases to humans
The dangers of household waste
Pose a threat to household waste
Cause toxic gases resulting from the combustion of waste a threat to human health
Carbon monoxide
A large amount : Sam device for cardiac and respiratory and sometimes fatal .
Quantity weak : hamper the transfer of oxygen to the brain , heart and muscle ..
Nitrogen oxides
Cause respiratory disorders and asthma
Oxides of sulfur
Respiratory disorders and cardiovascular and asthma
Affect the immune system and the nervous and hormonal cause cancer
Cause respiratory disorders
Cause cancer
Cost of household waste management funds contain important contrast to several of these waste materials can be reused as raw materials
Distortion of the urban environment
Operate solid household trash such as waste food and peel fruits and vegetables to assemble the insects that transmit the toxins and diseases to which extends out and move to the densely populated areas in addition to that this waste of air pollution gases emanating from or smoke produced by burning leads to air pollution resulting in chemical contamination is the emission of toxic gases CH4, CO2 that form acid rain , which can also occur with certain types of damage to buildings and historical monuments and statues . This happens when sulfuric acid reacts in the rain with these calcium compounds in the stones ( such as stones limestone or marble or granite ) to configure the plaster cracks and falls . Acid rain also cause accelerate the oxidation of iron , [1] can also react acid nitrogen ( nitrogen ) that is located where with a lot of minerals in industrial plants and cause sabotage .
And is dangerous when combined with waste water that may reach it is working to groundwater contamination as well as it is considered a farm breeding of disease organisms such as mice , cockroaches and flies. If you did not take the necessary precautions when burning waste , this leads to Alobeita
Household waste management system solid
The management of solid waste means the ability to control the total waste from the moment of disposal by its owner to the very treatment and final disposal methods and ways to ensure preservation of Sir Hassan of this process in order to reach to try to eliminate the negative effects of such waste
Process waste collection
The first phase
Occur at any level of the individual homes to collect this waste receptacles and takes about combining in a place or places of residence abroad in order to get rid of them
The second phase
Relating to the public road and carried out by the municipality and during this phase several systems
Lift system in front of homes
This process is carried out by waste collection workers home and that her pregnancy in front of the houses are thrown into landfills discharge which is the ultimate place which stabilize its domestic solid waste after collection of the various complexes nearby urban and knead in order to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and to protect its population from the risk of illness in addition to avoid contamination in some quarters natural .
Types of landfills
Garbage dump observer
Landfill observer
Is the landfill will be chosen after a statement from the administrative authorities are knead after a comprehensive study of the site and raised the waste on the environment , so that the discarded waste it with respect for the laws regulating the landfill , and keep track of the techniques grandfather guaranteed to get rid of the best possible way of this topic waste after sorting and processing.
Hedda is characterized by the landfill geological composition of the fluids is a specific influence over the exploitation and expansion fenced boundaries shows his control centers for entry and exit from the provider -friendly help in the process of waste treatment and provider and also the balance of network infrastructure regardless squeezer waste .
Garbage dump unattended
Landfill unattended
Landfill is chosen at random from either party people to throw their waste is often within the urban fabric , or in the surroundings , or place had been chosen by the supervisors of the conduct of the waste and be out of the city without taking into account any study or law regulating Hedda choice.
Shareholding system
Waste containers are placed in the mass of the population by the type of barrels of capacity from 600 to 1100 liters or boxes of a size 5 to 12:00 ³ , which are placed at their disposal in places accessible
Combining your system
Is through the passage of properties on the houses to collect household waste annoying tools such as furniture , wood plastic ****ls such as copper , aluminum and rubber wheels used
Selective collection system
Needs to provide receptacles outstanding combination with each other at the level of waste generators , for example, by color
Ways to get rid of household waste solid
The process of paying for waste landfilled
Dealing with biodegradable waste biodegradable by several techniques
Technology landfill
Used this topic way (enfouissement) to contain the waste and the reduction of quantity and are knead by downsizing and then burying in a pit where placed this topic pit appropriate and approval of the amount of waste to be landfilled where placed on the edges and CDA in the bottom layer of cement and then a layer of hard plastic and Hedda in order to avoid leakage of liquid materials resulting from the decomposition of waste , called Lu mus to the underground to maintain the integrity of groundwater and there are conditions to be respected , namely:
To dig the hole with the soil in the area is its influence
That this hole away from residential areas at least 200 meters
That away from bodies of water 500 meters
Taking into account the prevailing wind direction in the region
That the amount of precipitation in the region a few
The production of organic fertilizers
Is a biological process is by converting organic waste by organisms small ( bacteria ) in the air to the black soil rich in mineral called Balcolmbust (compostage) which compost is used for agriculture and horticulture in order to strengthen the land nutrient enrichment material Alaemus which is the basis of fertility and preservation on the land . As the use of organic manure desirable , especially in the absence of moisture or uttered and high temperatures and Hedda is characterized by the Algerian territory .
The process of burning waste
Waste is burned in furnaces at temperatures 1000c ° to heat the water inside the tubes for steam is produced by the running adapter for electric power generation .
The waste is biodegradable Trskl values and reuse technology , manufacturing and recycling of materials that contribute to a positive valuation in reducing the amount of waste that has been vacated about public landfills and increase the extent of exploitation leading to economy quite a bit in the process of recovery of raw materials.
Paper and cardboard : re- used in the manufacture of paper and paperboard as feedstock secondary.
Glass: Glass debris re- use as raw material for the manufacture of secondary glass again.
Plastic: can be renewed in the form of pills or burned in furnaces for energy gain .
Fabric: re- use of used clothing for breach of import and manner in factories as raw material for secondary.
Minerals are retrievable at all through the steel mills or furnaces where 1 ton of the economy in 2500 we BTUs .
Plants : are recovered naturally into fertilizer .
Ways to get rid of household waste liquid
Throw liquid waste in the areas of shanty houses in Haiti .
Pre- treatment
Balvezaaúah named this stage depends on the physical properties of impurities such as size specific weight and density of the particles intended to exclude impurities organic and inorganic , such as vegetable scraps , cardboard fabrics , sand, gravel , oil .
Primary treatment
This phase aims to reduce the values of pollutants in sewage and disposal of a greater amount of organic material sticking viable deposition and be either physical or chemical Physio
Primary treatment of physical
Primary sedimentation
Is the primary sedimentation basins during deposition anchored hierarchy or even slip conical bottom sediments to the top of the cone that contains abrasive mobile and tubes, where it is reducing the speed of entry of water -bearing sludge sedimentation basin can distinguish two types of materials Alrasbh
The first type is formed and this kind of vital minutes are separated from each other and enjoyed quickly fixed deposition
The second type includes this type Almtkaclh minutes as a result of a natural act or process of artificial conglomerate that deposition of those minutes in the weak focus is on an individual basis but the speed of change during the process of falling as a result of a collision with another more than a few minutes of their size and therefore increase the speed of deposition
Process occurs flotation in conditions where the mass bulk of the material outstanding less than a block volumetric the center of the fluid surrounding her as if the density of materials to be floated higher than the density of water, we can make a float instigator of Hao linking the minutes pending bubbles of gas ) air more particularly ( to form a group IDE) gas body is suspended ( less dense than the surrounding liquid
Stage biological secondary treatment
Depends on the vitality of a natural phenomenon where bacteria break down organic compounds and convert them into harmless compounds and target them
Coagulate and remove Colloids solid non- deposition
Install organic materials
Reduce the rates of organic matter in the sludge
Get rid of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
There are influential factors on the biological treatment
Organic load a value of organic materials for the amount of bacteria as the temperature of the processing of the C ° 5 to C ° 40. The higher the temperature increased the activity of bacteria provide the degree necessary to address the pH of 7 to 8.5 in addition to provide a middle course of the growth of bacteria as micro-organisms need even multiply and functioning properly to carbon energies and nutritious
Tertiary treatment stage
The processes that preceded the treatment is not expected to remove all microorganisms and in spite of the low numbers clearly and impressively so resort to tertiary treatment plants as the last stage of purification of water and the goal of this treatment
Remove suspended solids and reduce the DBO water treatment
Reduce concentrations of pathogens such as bacteria and eggs of intestinal worms Tjunbaloa damage can result in .
The waste is the responsibility of every citizen , despite the presence of Alqguanbn strict protection of the environment and of the Citizen , however there are several irregularities and it must
Citizen awareness of the seriousness of waste .
Ensure the application of environmental laws of the party concerned .
Introducing the concept of valuing the culture of waste to every citizen .
The introduction of awareness programs in the educational system to create a conscious generation .
The remaining household waste problems because of bad conduct era of hand, and lack of human culture on the other hand
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