عنوان الموضوع : طلب صغير في الانجليزية للسنة 1 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
السلام عليكم
اخواني الكرم انا اطلب منكم طلب بسيط وهو
اسباب التلوث بالغة الانجليزية
وراح تستعملوا المصطلحات التالية
الى اخره من المصطلحات التي تيعمل في الفقرة باللغة الانجليزية
انا محاجه اليوم لانه غدا بحول الله يوجد عندي اختبارات
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>>>> الرد الأول :
causes of pollution is ,first, garbage and fumes of cars and factories because it is create CO2
if plants don't get water, they die
if you don't wash , you smell bad
if air gets hot, it rises
والله هذا ليقدرة عليه المهم منخلوكش بدون جواب آسفة
>>>> الرد الثاني :
Environment pollution is one of the most significant problems that the world faces. Pollution is any substance that leaches onto the Earth and causes a hazard of some sort. Pollution comes in all forms, each one more worrisome than the last. It can be very difficult for people to find a solution to cleaning up such a large mess, after all, so much damage has been done to the Earth as it stands. Yet, environment pollution can be cleaned up and there is evidence that if changes are made quickly, improvements in the quality of the environment can be seen.
Pollution comes in various forms. The most common pollution people think about is air pollution since it directly effects everyone. Water can also be polluted, as can the ground. You can even hear pollution coming from noise. When there are significant amounts of pollution, there are risks to health. There is also a lessening of the quality of life people are able to lead. Where is environment pollution today?
Pollution in air quality is very common. Toxic fumes are a very significant area of concern because there is a risk of ozone depletion. The ozone is essential to protecting the planet from the harmful rays of the sun. The more that it is depleted, in part from pollution, the more risk there is of harm to people.
Another common type of environment pollution is water pollution. Ground pollution is similar. The Environmental Protection Agency monitors many of the common causes and sources for pollutions of this sort. By monitoring companies and other sources of pollution, they work to eliminate or at least minimize the amount of toxin that enters the water stream or the ground. This helps protect everyone when they go to get a drink or when they use foods that come from the ground.
Noise pollution is one of the newest forms of pollution today. This type of environment pollution is quite problematic because it has disrupted the quality of life for many people. At strong enough and long enough intervals, it can cause severe hearing problems for people, as well as other health problems.
Environment pollution is very real, in all of its forms. Yet, it is also able to be fixed on most accounts. As you take into consideration the many ways that people pollute the earth, realize that you too may be contributing to the problem. Take steps to find out ways you can improve the quality of life you lead by improving the levels of pollution around you. For many people, this is the best way to improve life
وحاول انك تغير وتعدل بما يناسبك لانشاء فقرة
>>>> الرد الثالث :
وهذه كذلك
With so many concerns about healthy air and water, there are many concerns as well about how to prevent pollution in our environment. Pollution in the air is depleting the ozone layer while pollution in water is causing health concerns. The problem is that not enough people care about the safety of our air and water, and as long as it doesn't directly affect them, they have no concerns. On the other hand, learning how to prevent pollution will help the preserve not only our natural resources but the health of its residents as well.
Learning how to prevent pollution begins with making sure that we do the things that are healthy for our environment. Things such as the use of green energy are places to start. Fossil fuels are the worst pollutants in the air, and if we can get rid of those, we are on our way to preserving the ozone layer, and thus protecting our skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Scientists have been telling us for many years about the harmful affects of pollution on the sun's ozone layer, but many people do not believe in its existence and think it is just something they are telling us to force us to conserve energy and take a stand against water pollution. Everyone in the world needs to learn how to prevent pollution in order for our earth and its people to survive. We may not be able to undo the damage that has been to our ozone layer, but if we all do our part, we can prevent any further damage. Learning how to prevent pollution has to be a joint effort, and all of our brothers and sisters in the world have to participate for it to work. The sooner we begin working together, the sooner the earth will be a safer place to live.
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