عنوان الموضوع : anglais + arab للسنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
سلام عليكم
نحتاج بحث الانجليزية صفحة 132
making a survery
بحث فى العربية حول المدارس النحوية ، لمحة تاريخية عنها عند العرب و نشاتها و المراحل التى مرت عليها
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
>>>> الرد الثاني :
>>>> الرد الثالث :
بصح هذاك تاع الاولى ثانوى نظن ؟
انا خصنى واحد على disasters
>>>> الرد الرابع :
اخي كتبت هذه الجمل لاخ طلبها البارحة ارجو ان تفيدك
I asked them how to help each other during n erthquake
i asked them if they knew the safety musures before an earthquak
I questionned if they were charitable during catastrophies
>>>> الرد الخامس :
انا ابحث عن البحث من المفروض تاع السنوات الى فاتت داروه
Questionnaire about a disaster
Number of informants: 50
- A) have you lot information about the natural disasters? Yes 45 No 05
- B) What about earthquakes? Yes 40 No 10
- C) What are the countries that are the most influenced by this disaster?
- Japan 20
- Indonesia 10
- India 10
- USA 10
- D) Do you think that earthquakes are the most dangerous natural disaster?
- Yes 25
- No 25
- E) Is your town influenced by a seism? Yes 10 No 40
- F) What are the towns in Algeria that had been influenced by an earthquake?
-Boumerdés 20
-Chlef 15
-Jijel 10
-Tizi ouezou 05
- G) In your viewpoint, do you think that the politics of reducing the influences of earthquake in Algeria are available?
Yes 05 No 45
Dialogue about an Earthquake
A: Have you lot information about the natural disasters?
B: Yes, I have.
A: And about earthquakes?
B: Yes, too
A: What are the countries that are the most influenced by this disaster?
B: I think Indonesia
A: Do you think that earthquakes are the most dangerous natural disaster?
B: Yes, I think.
A: Had your town influenced by a seism?
B: No, it had not.
A: What are the towns in Algeria that had influenced by an earthquake?
B: Without doubt Boumerdés.
A: As a viewpoint, do you think that that the politics of reducing the influences of earthquake in Algeria are available?
B: I think no, but our country must improve all energies in this important side.
A: Thank you for these answers.
B: Never mind.
The Report
After this questionnaire we found that the numbers of informants who have information about natural disasters (45infs) are more than the other side (05infs).
Then and as expected we found that the informants that have knowledge about earthquake are more than the second side.
And about the question about the countries that are the most influenced by this disaster we found that the knowledge of people are different but most of them think that is Indonesia.
We found also about that earthquakes are the most dangerous natural disaster and as expected also we found that most of informants think yes.
And about the town of informant is it influenced by a seism we found that the majority of answers is no.
And about the towns in Algeria that had influenced by an earthquake as expected we find that the majority of people think that it is Boumerdés.
Finally most of informants see that the level the politics of reducing the influences of earthquake in Algeria is less than in other countries.
As a final word we hope that this questionnaire add an information to the person who will read it.
مشكوورة اختي رقية
كيما يقولو كاف واف
يبدو اننا من نفس الولاية![]()
Rukia Kuchiki
بارك الله فيك
معليش تعطينى منين جبتيه
العفو يا اختي
مليح...انتي تان من جيجل
ملاحظة صغيرة برك
اسمي مايتنطقش رقية بل روكيا
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rukia kuchiki ![]()
العفو يا اختي
مليح...انتي تان من جيجل
ملاحظة صغيرة برك
اسمي مايتنطقش رقية بل روكيا
معريفة خير ان شاء الله اختي روكيا![]()
ههه...ايه معريفة
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