عنوان الموضوع : الاستعارة التصريحية والْمَكنيَّة للاولى ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

) الاستعارة التصريحية والْمَكنيَّة

الاسْتِعارَةُ مِنَ المجاز اللّغَويَّ، وهيَ تَشْبيهٌ حُذِفَ أحَد طَرفَيْهِ، فَعلاقتها المشابهةُ دائماً، وهي قسمان:

(أ) تَصْريحيّة، وهي ما صُرَّحَ فيها بلَفظِ المشبَّه بهِ.

(ب) مَكنِيَّة، وهي ما حُذِفَ فيها المشَبَّه بهِ ورُمِزَ لهُ بشيء مِنْ لوازمه.


(1) قال المتنبي يَصِفُ دخيل رسول الرّوم على سيف الدولة:

وأقبل يمشى في الْبساطِ فَما دري إلى البحْر يسْعى أمْ إلى البدر يرْتقي

(2) وصف أعرابي أخاً له فقال:

كان أخِي يَقْرى العينَ جَمالا والأُذنَ بياناً [4] .

(3) وقال تعالى علىلسان زكريا:

{رَبِّ إِنِّي وهن العظْمُ مِني واشْتًعل الرَّأْس شَيْباً}.

(4) وقال أعرابي في المدن:

فُلانٌ يَرمي بِطَرْفِهِ حَيْثُ أَشَارَ الكَرم [5] .


(1) أ ـ شُبِّه سيفُ الدولة بالبحر بجامع [6] العطاء ثم استُعير اللفظُ الدال على المشبّه به وهو البحر للمشبه وهو سيف الدولة، على سبيل الاستعارة التصريحية، والقرينة "فأَقبل يمشي في البساط".

ب ـ شُبِّه سيف الدولة بالبدر بجامع الرّفعة، ثم استعير اللفظ الدال على المشبه به وهو البدر للمشبه وهو سيف الدولة، على سبيل الاستعارة التصريحية، والقرينة "فأََقبل يمشي في البساط".

(2) شبِّه إمتاع العين بالجمال و إمتاع الأُذن بالبيان بقرى الضيف، ثم اشتُقَّ من القِرى يَقْرِى بمعنى يُمْتِع عل سبيل الاستعارة التصريحية، والقرينة جمالا وبياناً.

(3) شُبِّه الرأس بالوقود ثم حذِف المشبه به، ورُمزَ إليه بشيءٍ من لوازمه وهو "اشتعل" على سبيل الاستعارة المكنية، والقرينة إثبات الاشتعال للرأس.

(4) شُبِّه الكرم بإنسان ثم حُذِفَ ورُمزَ إليه بشيء من لوازمه وهو "أَشار" على سبيل الاستعارة المكنية، والقرينة إثبات الإشارة للكرم.

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

بارك الله فيك


>>>> الرد الثاني :

جزاك الله خير والجنة كذلك وجعله في ميزان حسناتك


>>>> الرد الثالث :



>>>> الرد الرابع :

شكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااال كم


>>>> الرد الخامس :

merciiiiiiiiii bcp


لم أفهم شسئا الرجاء التوضيح أكثر

أشكرك على الشرح المفصل

مشكور اخي على الموضوع

مشكور اخي درس رائع




Unit ; 1 Revision 1st Year Secondary Term 1 1422/1423 A.H Vocabulary
Word study
custom = a thing which all people in a country usually do .
interested in = want to learn more about .
keen = very interested in something .
own = to be his .
various = more than one = different .
Give the opposites;
inside x outside new x old
short X long quickly X slowly
like X dislike
Choose the correct word
1- custom 2- keen 3- own 4- various 5- interviewer 6- university
7- team 8- “ In Focus “ 9- called 10
1- Mr. Al-Nasser`s son has his ……………….. car .
2- He had made ………………………. models of old cars .
3- ………………….. is the name of Ahmad Al – Ali`s programme .
4- There are 11 footballers in …………………………….. .
5- A man who interviews people is an ………………………………… .
6- Ahmad Al-Ali went to ……………………………… in America .
7- He is ……………………. Sami .
8- It`s a …………. in Saudi Arabia to take off your shoes when you enter a house .
9- Sa`ad is a ……………………. footballer .
Match the following;
a- various ( ) to be his
b- keen ( ) more than one .
c- own ( ) very interested in .

Unit ; 1 Revision 1st Year Secondary Term 1 1422/1423 A.H Grammar
Complete the following ;
e.g. 1- He is from Algeria . He is Algerian .
2- He is from Saudi Arabia . He is Saudi .
a- He is from Libya . He is …………………………. .
b- He is from Kuwait . He is ……………………………. .
c- He is from Syria . He is ……………………… .
d- He is from Bahrain . He is ………………………………. .
Use the short form;
e.g. 1- I am Saudi . I’m Saudi . 2- He is Saudi . He’s Saudi .

a- She is Saudi . ………………………………………………. .
b- We are Saudi . ………………………………………………. .
c- They are Saudi . ………………………………………………… .
Use ( Let me ) or ( Let’s; )
e.g. 1- Let me ask you something . 2- Let’s go home .
a- I’ve got a new bike . ……………… see it .
b- I’ve got a puncture . ………….….. mend it for you .
c- I’m tired . ………………. go home .
d- I’m hungry . …………….… go to a restaurant.
Fill in the missing words using who / which / where
e.g. 1- A teacher is a person who teaches children .
2- A horse is an animal which carries people .
3- A key is a thing which opens a door .
4- A house is a place where you can live in .
a- A farmer is a person …………………….. grows food .
b- A thermometer is a thing …………………….. measures temperature .
c- A post office is a place ……………………. you can buy stamps .
Fill in the missing words using place / animal / person / thing
e.g. 1- A teacher is a person who teaches children .
2- A horse is an animal which carries people .
3- A key is a thing which opens a door .
a- A porter is a ……………………. who carries things .
b- A satellite is a ……………………… which orbits the earth .
c- A donkey is an ………………………. which pulls carts .
d- A university is a ……………………….. where you can continue to study .

هذا ملخص الانجلزية للسنة اولي ثانوي
Word study
custom = a thing which all people in a country usually do .
interested in = want to learn more about .
keen = very interested in something .
own = to be his .
various = more than one = different .
Give the opposites;
inside x outside new x old
short X long quickly X slowly
like X dislike
Choose the correct word
1- custom 2- keen 3- own 4- various 5- interviewer 6- university
7- team 8- “ In Focus “ 9- called 10
1- Mr. Al-Nasser`s son has his ……………….. car .
2- He had made ………………………. models of old cars .
3- ………………….. is the name of Ahmad Al – Ali`s programme .
4- There are 11 footballers in …………………………….. .
5- A man who interviews people is an ………………………………… .
6- Ahmad Al-Ali went to ……………………………… in America .
7- He is ……………………. Sami .
8- It`s a …………. in Saudi Arabia to take off your shoes when you enter a house .
9- Sa`ad is a ……………………. footballer .
Match the following;
a- various ( ) to be his
b- keen ( ) more than one .
c- own ( ) very interested in .

Unit ; 1 Revision 1st Year Secondary Term 1 1422/1423 A.H Grammar
Complete the following ;
e.g. 1- He is from Algeria . He is Algerian .
2- He is from Saudi Arabia . He is Saudi .
a- He is from Libya . He is …………………………. .
b- He is from Kuwait . He is ……………………………. .
c- He is from Syria . He is ……………………… .
d- He is from Bahrain . He is ………………………………. .
Use the short form;
e.g. 1- I am Saudi . I’m Saudi . 2- He is Saudi . He’s Saudi .

a- She is Saudi . ………………………………………………. .
b- We are Saudi . ………………………………………………. .
c- They are Saudi . ………………………………………………… .
Use ( Let me ) or ( Let’s; )
e.g. 1- Let me ask you something . 2- Let’s go home .
a- I’ve got a new bike . ……………… see it .
b- I’ve got a puncture . ………….….. mend it for you .
c- I’m tired . ………………. go home .
d- I’m hungry . …………….… go to a restaurant.
Fill in the missing words using who / which / where
e.g. 1- A teacher is a person who teaches children .
2- A horse is an animal which carries people .
3- A key is a thing which opens a door .
4- A house is a place where you can live in .
a- A farmer is a person …………………….. grows food .
b- A thermometer is a thing …………………….. measures temperature .
c- A post office is a place ……………………. you can buy stamps .
Fill in the missing words using place / animal / person / thing
e.g. 1- A teacher is a person who teaches children .
2- A horse is an animal which carries people .
3- A key is a thing which opens a door .
a- A porter is a ……………………. who carries things .
b- A satellite is a ……………………… which orbits the earth .
c- A donkey is an ………………………. which pulls carts .
d- A university is a ……………………….. where you can continue to study .