عنوان الموضوع : هنا نناقش المنهاج الجديد للسنة الرابعة متوسط إنجليزية بيداغوجية
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
السلام عليكم
زملائي أساتذة اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط
لا شك و أنكم أنتم أيضا تفاجأتم بالجديد في مادتكم هذه السنة سواء بالنسبة للسنة الرابعة متوسط أو باقي السنوات
و خاصة ما سمي بالأعمال الموجهة و التي لحد الآن ينتابها غموض كبير و كذا المجهود الكبير الذي بذله القائمون
على تعديل البرنامج السنوي و تحسينه و الذي تكلل بعد أخذ و رد و مخض و تلبين بحذف درس طويل من البرنامج
يأخذ من السنة الدراسية ساعة كاملة لتدريسه ألا و هو درس Tag Questions .
لذلك ارتأيت أن أفتح هذه الصفحة لكي نناقش هذا الأمر معا و خاصة حصة الأعمال الموجهة فهل شرعتم في العمل بها و ماذا
تقدمون فيها للتلميذ بالضبط.
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
Hello Athman
I'm afraid we'll suffer a lot with these enigmatic
and incomprehensible readjustments, and no one
can help us get rid of this mess even our inspectors.
Is it conceivable that we finish the program of MS1
as an example- with only two hours per week? Before
could not achieve the program despite the fact that the
student was studying three hours a week. So, what can
we do only with these two hours?this is another problem
we'll face enormously.
I'll be back later
>>>> الرد الثاني :
we had t experienced this situation in secondary schools with an hour for the whole class
and an hour for each group and believe me instructions tell to consolidate what was learnt
through activities but in reality it was impossible to achieve the syllabus in time .so to be franc we used the group lectures to teach lessons .
>>>> الرد الثالث :
What about the file five ?
>>>> الرد الرابع :
All the ******** forms of this file have been deleted.Does this mean that the whole file is deleted.Waiting for your clarifications?
>>>> الرد الخامس :
Yes,brother.But I think they were the inspectors themselves who suggested that mess
and now,they state that they can do nothing to get rid of it.They are them themselves
who suggest everything and supervise everything
hello Mr scot.b
We, teachers used to be between the hammer of the
inspectors' recommendations and the anvil of shortage
of time. The problem we are suffering from is that we've
always claimed to ease the program and lessen it.
Otherwise, they provide us with an extra hour to achieve
this boring program. Imagine contrary to what we've
expected, they they reduce an hour from both 1MS and
2MS!! How can we finish the syllabus in its determined
time?That's why I find it necessary to exploit that extra
hour in teaching lessons.
Hoping you'll keep path with us, teachers of the middle school,
my regards
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة babouh ![]()
All the ******** forms of this file have been deleted.Does this mean that the whole file is deleted.Waiting for your clarifications?
I'm sorry Mr Babouh
I haven't got an idea about this file till now
I may have a look on it later and discuss your inquiry.
Salam my Friend
Allow me to thank you for your idea although I have I asked for this on September 15th and before the inspectors of all the country meet in Blida . Better late than never
They are still meeting there till 26th , the aim was to unify their supervising documents after the training they had in England last year.
So I asked my friends to analyze the new changes and provide their inspectors with their remarks and comment and also suggestions.
We cannot blame inspectors they are like us they have no idea about what had been done the slimming came from DECIDERS that themselves they do not know and these days and beyond their training they are discussing the new changes and they decided to do something practical for the teachers on he field .
The problem is not only in the program nor with inspectors , the problem is with the TEACHERS themselves, the majority ignore the official instructions like the slimming of the syllabus June 2008 and 2013
No one asked why these documents are in French and the majority of the teachers do not master this ******** !!!!!!!!
The document was provided to the Inspectors of English by "LES CADRES DU MINSTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE"
and the problem of those 2 hours they asked them to add extra hour they refused that and the same for the coefficient
So before blaming the inspectors ( I am not one of them) but I know many who are really great workers and do their best for the teachers and learners , let's ask ourselfves
What did we do ,we teachers? we ae supposed to apply this program ? We are paid for that and even with freedom we have to SARS , we did not do it.
I have already published this document about the new slimming before we get it in our schools in order to save time and before the school year starts we had to do something at least set a unified yearly planning
I insisted on the importance of this document and I said it's the key of all the new changes
It's the first time an official document states that the teacher is free
L’autonomie de l’enseignant reste l’élément clé pour la réussite de cet allègement. ( page 5 of this document)
so where are the teachers the ball is in our field , if teachers studied this documents and provided their inspectors with remarks ( many of the inspectors ignore the new changes ) this would have helped a lot during the meeting or in our seminars and meetings this will give great challenge . but by experience the majority do not care
coming back to what had been slimmed down in 2013 pages 19 & 20 of the documents shows that
for example the "tag question" it iIS NOT COMPLETELY omitted it is clearly said
N’est plus considéré comme un
préalable pour le développement
de compétences communica-
tives dans le domaine de l’oral,
.Ce point de langue peut être
intégré comme formes lexicales
They omitted the meaning of the intonation ( sure /not sure....)
and before file five with the same file , they planned to talk ABOUT POLLUTION how will teachers manage to do that the only task that talks about that is on page 87 a task using "if" conditional
and also the project work , no one reacted to it although the project is the final production of the file . now they ask the pps to make one for the term , so which learning objectives will it serve ??
for the MS4 they asked them to make a project "DESIGNING WEB PAGE" how can learners of middle school do such thing even teachers ignore that!!!!!!!!!!
concerning the TDs the idea was TPs but someone of those DECIDERS saw to make them TDs and with TDs the work is done in groups , but for us teachers of English the idea to work in group is not NEW we started that in 2004 with the project work where the AIM was to make the learners work in group and normally we master this group pedagogy .
so this HOUR for TDs and its not 30 minutes
the official journal of the ministry July 2013 shows that and how it should be planned but our heads ignore that ( all school are provided with internet and they don't know how to use it for the sake of the leaerners)
so in this hour we can
1- remediate our learners' weakness ( no one knows your learners better than you )
2- we can talk about project and follow the learners in doing it ( not let them go to cybers and be exploted
3- we can do tests in this hour in coordination with the teachers of French
4- games , use modern technologies ( lap tops , data show...../ songs ......
so this hour is of great help that teacher should know its value and believe me my friends it was not easy to get it
I hope the discussion will carry on
Good Luck
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mr.Samir Bounab ![]()
Salam my Friend
Allow me to thank you for your idea although I have I asked for this on September 15th and before the inspectors of all the country meet in Blida . Better late than never
They are still meeting there till 26th , the aim was to unify their supervising documents after the training they had in England last year.
So I asked my friends to analyze the new changes and provide their inspectors with their remarks and comment and also suggestions.
We cannot blame inspectors they are like us they have no idea about what had been done the slimming came from DECIDERS that themselves they do not know and these days and beyond their training they are discussing the new changes and they decided to do something practical for the teachers on he field .
The problem is not only in the program nor with inspectors , the problem is with the TEACHERS themselves, the majority ignore the official instructions like the slimming of the syllabus June 2008 and 2013
No one asked why these documents are in French and the majority of the teachers do not master this ******** !!!!!!!!
The document was provided to the Inspectors of English by "LES CADRES DU MINSTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE"
and the problem of those 2 hours they asked them to add extra hour they refused that and the same for the coefficient
So before blaming the inspectors ( I am not one of them) but I know many who are really great workers and do their best for the teachers and learners , let's ask ourselfves
What did we do ,we teachers? we ae supposed to apply this program ? We are paid for that and even with freedom we have to SARS , we did not do it.
I have already published this document about the new slimming before we get it in our schools in order to save time and before the school year starts we had to do something at least set a unified yearly planning
I insisted on the importance of this document and I said it's the key of all the new changes
It's the first time an official document states that the teacher is free
L’autonomie de l’enseignant reste l’élément clé pour la réussite de cet allègement. ( page 5 of this document)
so where are the teachers the ball is in our field , if teachers studied this documents and provided their inspectors with remarks ( many of the inspectors ignore the new changes ) this would have helped a lot during the meeting or in our seminars and meetings this will give great challenge . but by experience the majority do not care
coming back to what had been slimmed down in 2013 pages 19 & 20 of the documents shows that
for example the "tag question" it iIS NOT COMPLETELY omitted it is clearly said
N’est plus considéré comme un
préalable pour le développement
de compétences communica-
tives dans le domaine de l’oral,
.Ce point de langue peut être
intégré comme formes lexicales
They omitted the meaning of the intonation ( sure /not sure....)
and before file five with the same file , they planned to talk ABOUT POLLUTION how will teachers manage to do that the only task that talks about that is on page 87 a task using "if" conditional
and also the project work , no one reacted to it although the project is the final production of the file . now they ask the pps to make one for the term , so which learning objectives will it serve ??
for the MS4 they asked them to make a project "DESIGNING WEB PAGE" how can learners of middle school do such thing even teachers ignore that!!!!!!!!!!
concerning the TDs the idea was TPs but someone of those DECIDERS saw to make them TDs and with TDs the work is done in groups , but for us teachers of English the idea to work in group is not NEW we started that in 2004 with the project work where the AIM was to make the learners work in group and normally we master this group pedagogy .
so this HOUR for TDs and its not 30 minutes
the official journal of the ministry July 2013 shows that and how it should be planned but our heads ignore that ( all school are provided with internet and they don't know how to use it for the sake of the leaerners)
so in this hour we can
1- remediate our learners' weakness ( no one knows your learners better than you )
2- we can talk about project and follow the learners in doing it ( not let them go to cybers and be exploted
3- we can do tests in this hour in coordination with the teachers of French
4- games , use modern technologies ( lap tops , data show...../ songs ......
so this hour is of great help that teacher should know its value and believe me my friends it was not easy to get it
I hope the discussion will carry on
Good Luck
Thank you very much Mr.Bouneb.Well,I'll come back to comment on what you have mentioned here
but before that,could you tell me who are those deciders?
I'll come back
Salam my friend
May Allah bless you for your reply
The document is in French and I said it was provided by "les cadres du minstere de l'eduaction nationale" , it's clear enough
and some of them are the ones who made our school manuals
I hope you read and analyze each word in the document in French and then we discuss word by word
Good Luck
thanks very much for your participations
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة babouh ![]()
All the ******** forms of this file have been deleted.Does this mean that the whole file is deleted.Waiting for your clarifications?
شكرا جزيلا يااستاذ
welcome Mr Youness
Good Luck