عنوان الموضوع : من يبحث عن بحث الانجليزية ؟؟؟؟
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
Number of teenager: 60
Male / Female
Age: 17-20 (high school teenager )
A : do you like watching t .v ? Yes ( 60) / no ( 0 )
B : Witch time do you like watching ? afternoon (30) / morning (15 ) /
Neight ( 15)
C : who is the better cenima or television ? cenima ( 35 ) / television )25)
D : what ‘s your favourit programs ?
Documentaries films (10 ) / music channels ( 15 ) / sports (30 ) / actions films ( 15 )
E : with who you like watching t.v ? alone ( 40 ) / with my friends ( 20 )
F : give me your opinion about the T . V ? (60 ) extremely good invention
J : why do you watching T . V ? ( 15 ) for cultural / ( 45 ) for entertainment
A : excuse me . we’re conducting a survey on T.V viewers and T.V
programs . may I ask you some questions ?
B : yes . if you are quick .
A : ok . my first question is do you like watching T.V ?
B : of cours .
A : may 2nd question is Wich time do you like watching ?
B : I like watching T.V in night .
A : my 3rd question is who is the better cinema or television ?
B : I prefer the cinema .
A : may next question is what ‘s your favourit programs ?
B : I like watching sports and music .
A : may fallowing question is with who you like watching T.V?
B : I like watching T.V alone .
A : may last question is why do you watching T.V?
B : I watching T.V for entertainment .
This report presents details of T.V programme and teenagers by a
sample groupe .the youth of today love so much the television. I
decided to do a survey to find out if this was true .
I questioned sixty young people between 17 and 20 years old ,
First I asked them if they liked watching T.v, all the teenager
answered Positively, then I questioned them which time they liked
watching t.v , half of them told me that they liked watching on
afternoon and fifteen of them they said on morning , fifteen told me in
the night . next I asked them who was the better cinema or TV , the
majority teenager answered cinema , then I asked them what was their
favorite TV programme , 15 answered they liked watching action
films , 35 told me sport , 20 watched music videos , finaly I asked
them why they watching t.v . the most of them said for entertainment
and the Minority said for cultural .
surprisingly, my survey showed that the teenager love the t.v just for entertainment .
لا تنسوني من الدعاء أرجوووكم ووفقكم الله الى كل ماتتمناوه
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
merRççi barakà laHou fiki w jazaki koul khaYr
>>>> الرد الثاني :
شكر لك نور
جزاك الله خيرا.
>>>> الرد الثالث :
>>>> الرد الرابع :
mrc mrc mrc bcp bcp salaktini makont fahma fih walou rabi ykhalik
>>>> الرد الخامس :
Thank You 5tito
stp khti ida 3andek wahdoukhar prsq la classe baaazzf manhom darou 3la watchin TV ida 3andek wahdoukhar wala ta9adri t3awnini ndir wahdoukhr 3la computer
rani nastana f la répense dyalak
شكرااااا جزيلا وجلها الله في ميزان حسناتك
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aymen barca
شكرااااا جزيلا وجلها الله في ميزان حسناتك |
يا رب وفقني في دراستي
بارك الله فيـكـِ~
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