عنوان الموضوع : بحث حول مقال صحفي بالانجليزية اولى ثانوي
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ممكن اتساعدوني في بحث حول اي مقال صحفي بالانجليزية

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>>>> الرد الأول :

Newspaper articles on drugs


There is no doubt that the substance is increasing rapidly, with varied

Kinds: some are crude, and is derived, and synthetic, such as spread

Material between groups of people without distinction and that there was no accurate census

The prevalence of addiction and Statistics attributed the non-substantive

Suggesting that opium addicts than 400 million worldwide

, And hashish addicts forgave 300 million, So the question is what

Are the different reasons behind this amazing proliferation?

Before that we are exposed to analyze the concept of addiction and the statement of the views

Process and the process causes problems and must make it clear what we mean by the beginning of

Word addiction? It is the addict? What are the common drugs


Basic concepts of the study

1_ definition of drug (Drugs):
Uses the term drug (NARCOTLCS) in medical science to indicate the substance of opium and its derivatives such as heroin, codeine and morphine.
• has identified the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs: as any raw material or product containing the elements of hypnotic, home of that when used in non-industrial or medical purposes will lead to a state of habit or addiction to the detriment of
The individual and the community both physically and psychologically and socially.

• The definition of the German scientist (VOGEL): it is all the material through which the chemical nature of working to change building and functions of the organism that made the body of these materials include the mood and the senses, awareness, perception, and mental and psychological aspect.
• scientific definition: that the substance is a chemicals cause sleep and lack of awareness and pain accompanied by its own reside a word (Narcotic).

• The legal definition: There are a total of addictive substances and poison the nervous system and prohibits the circulation or cultivated or manufactured only for purposes specified by law and used only by the license from being vindicated.

Two drugs: means the material and take any medicine derived from plants or animals, or ride the chemically in the lab .. The property known as hypertext influential by virtue of its nature in the chemical structure of the organism or employment ..

3_ Addiction (Addiction):
Is a state of periodic or chronic damage to the individual and society, and result from repeated drug or natural plant and is characterized by compulsive or urgent desire of the addict to get paid on the property and continue to use tobacco in any way with increasing dose. The so-called dependence on narcotic substances and the need to periodically and regularly.
4_ dependence (Dependence): is a state of psychological and sometimes organic produce from the interaction between the organism, substance psychological, characterized by the issuance of responses, or behaviors always contain an element of desire coercive's turn to the object substance specific psychological on an ongoing basis or periodically (ie, when to another) in order to tell the object raised by the psychological and sometimes in order to avoid trouble its lack, has been accompanied by a bear or not accompanied by, and supports the person of one or more, and Tstkhaddk sometimes words (Zmlp dependency syndrome) as one of the categories of Psychiatry, was recommended by the World Health Organization using the term is reliance as a substitute for the terms (of addiction, and habit)

Effects of drugs on society:

Coupled with the problem of abuse among youth and adolescents by numerous problems and social ills. for example, the deterioration of mental health and physical and psychological adjustment Photos and social levels or increased rates of criminal behavior and aggressive at both the personal and social. Which constitutes a serious threat to personal safety and social security. Where it was noted that most incidents of violence and robbery, kidnapping and sexual harassment, rape and murder committed by adolescents and youth substance abusers. either as a result of mental disorder that occurs as a result of the negative effects of abuse. Or the desire to obtain the necessary funds to deal and get the euphoria and elation resulting from the abuse. And then addiction and habit and the significant increase in rates.
اتمنى اني قد افدتك .


>>>> الرد الثاني :

شكرا لك ولكن ماهو موضوع هذا المقال


>>>> الرد الثالث :

لا شكر على واجب ,العنوان هو مكتوب باللون الاخضر في الاعلى عن المخدرات.


>>>> الرد الرابع :

جزاك الله الف خير


>>>> الرد الخامس :

وانا ممتنة لك لانك ساعدتني


هذا واجبنا في مساعدة بعضناا ما اتمناه هو الافادة والروح الاخوية بيننا..شكراا

ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد

بارك الله فيك جزاك كل خير كلنا سنحتاجه

هاهي ترجمة الموضوع

مقالات صحفية حول المخدرات


ليس هناك شك في أن هذه المادة في تزايد سريع ، مع متنوعة
أنواع : بعضها لا يزال بدائيا ، ومشتق ، والاصطناعية ، مثل انتشار
المادة بين مجموعات من الناس دون تمييز وأنه لا يوجد إحصاء دقيق
وعزا انتشار الإدمان والإحصاء وعدم الموضوعية
مما يدل على أن مدمني الأفيون من 400 مليون في جميع أنحاء العالم
، ومدمني الحشيش غفر 300 مليون نسمة ، لذا فإن السؤال هو ما
هي أسباب مختلفة وراء هذا الانتشار المذهل؟
قبل أن نتعرض لتحليل مفهوم الإدمان وبيان وجهات النظر
عملية والعملية يسبب مشاكل ، ويجب أن نوضح ما نعنيه بداية
كلمة الإدمان؟ هو المدمن؟ ما هي المخدرات شيوعا
المفاهيم الأساسية للدراسة
1_ تعريف المخدرات (الأدوية) :
يستخدم مصطلح المخدرات (NARCOTLCS) في العلوم الطبية للإشارة إلى مضمون الأفيون ومشتقاته مثل الكوديين والهيروين والمورفين.
وقد حددت • لجنة الأمم المتحدة للمخدرات : مثل أي من المواد الخام أو المنتجات التي تحتوي على عناصر من المنزل ، والمنومة لذلك عندما تستخدم في أغراض غير صناعية أو طبية سيؤدي إلى حالة من التعود أو الإدمان على حساب
الفرد والمجتمع على حد سواء جسديا ونفسيا واجتماعيا.

• تعريف العالم الألماني (فوغيل) : هو كل المواد التي من خلالها الطبيعة الكيميائية العمل على تغيير بناء ووظائف الكائن التي جعلت الجسم من هذه المواد وتشمل الحالة المزاجية والحواس والوعي والإدراك و الجانب العقلي والنفسي.
• التعريف العلمي : أن هذه المادة الكيميائية التي تسبب النوم وقلة الوعي والألم مصحوبا بتسكين كلمة (المخدرات).

• التعريف القانوني : هناك مجموعه من المواد التي تسبب الادمان وتسمم الجهاز العصبي ويحظر تداولها أو زراعتها أو تصنيعها إلا لأغراض يحددها القانون ، وتستخدم فقط من قبل على ترخيص من تبرئته.

عقارين : الوسائل المادية وتأخذ أي دواء المشتقة من النباتات أو الحيوانات ، أو تركب كيميائيا في المختبر.. الخاصية المعروفة باسم التشعبي مؤثرة بحكم طبيعته في التركيب الكيميائي للكائن أو العمالة..

3_ الإدمان (الإدمان) :
هي حالة من الضرر الدوري أو المزمن للفرد والمجتمع ، ونتيجة من المخدرات المتكررة أو النباتات الطبيعية ويتميز القهري أو رغبة ملحة من المدمن للحصول على دفع على الممتلكات والاستمرار في استخدام التبغ بأي شكل من الأشكال مع زيادة الجرعة . الاعتماد على ما يسمى المواد المخدرة والحاجة إلى دوري ومنتظم.
4_ الاعتماد (الاعتماد) : هي حالة من إنتاج النفسية والعضوية في بعض الأحيان من التفاعل بين الكائنات الحية ، المواد النفسية ، والتي تتميز إصدار استجابات أو سلوكيات تحتوي دائما على عنصر بدوره القسرية رغبة في جوهر الكائن محددة النفسية على أساس مستمر أو دوري (أي عندما لآخر) من أجل أن نقول الكائن التي أثارها النفسية وأحيانا من أجل تجنب المتاعب افتقارها ، وقد اقترنت دب أو لا يرافقها ، ويدعم شخص واحد أو أكثر وTstkhaddk أحيانا عبارة (Zmlp متلازمة التبعية) باعتبارها واحدة من الفئات الطب النفسي ، والتي أوصت بها منظمة الصحة العالمية باستخدام مصطلح هو الاعتماد كبديل لمصطلحي (الإدمان ، وعادة)

آثار المخدرات على المجتمع :

إلى جانب مشكلة تعاطي بين الشباب والمراهقين من قبل العديد من المشاكل والعلل الاجتماعية. على سبيل المثال ، وتدهور الصحة العقلية والبدنية والنفسية صور التكيف والمستويات الاجتماعية أو زيادة معدلات السلوك الإجرامي والعدواني في الشخصية على حد سواء والاجتماعية. الأمر الذي يشكل تهديدا خطيرا للسلامة الشخصية والضمان الاجتماعي. حيث لوحظ أن معظم حوادث العنف والسطو والخطف والتحرش الجنسي والاغتصاب والقتل التي يرتكبها المراهقون والشباب متعاطي المخدرات. إما نتيجة لوجود اضطراب نفسي التي تحدث نتيجة الآثار السلبية لسوء المعاملة. أو الرغبة في الحصول على الأموال اللازمة للتعامل والحصول على النشوة والغبطة الناتجة عن سوء المعاملة. ومن ثم الإدمان والعادة والزيادة الكبيرة في أسعار الفائدة.

A short essay on smoking

In fact our research on the phenomenon of smoking among adolescents of any newspaper article and I would like Chovoh and if Tcololi deserves a good point
I have spread the scourge of smoking among adolescents (12-17 years), where the mortality rate rises each year to about 100 adolescents in this century, and the most important causes of teen smoking is the indulgence of the parents. And scientific studies have proven so far that tobacco contains more than 4000 toxic and dangerous.
Smoking causes a serious autoimmune disease to the lung, and heart disease, etc. .................

The prevalence of smoking among adolescents
Has become the scourge of smoking spread among adolescents. Every time a smoker lights a cigarette cigarette consume approximately 5-20 minutes from the age of this person as a smoker who is trying to choose tar and nicotine smoke less begin to increase the number of cigarettes smoked and the amount of inhalation of tobacco gets the same amount of smoking cigarettes with more *******. Since the statistics of the last century says that the number of deaths due to smoking reached 100 million people and is a candidate in this century to become a billion people, because of the high number of inhabitants of the globe and the growing proportion of smokers in the whole world.
It is believed most teens that smoking is bring them into the adult world more quickly, as if to smoke proof of manhood teenager in front of his friends, he is no longer a child, therefore, no longer afraid for his health no longer fear his parents, although he often resorted to the trick so as not to be the subject of suspicions before them, if the mother asked her son after he entered the house and smell the smell of tobacco out of his clothes: Do you smoke? I quickly answered "no excuse that his friend, who was driving the car smoked, or club gaming and lounge billiards Mmluan smokers, and the mother begins to control and try to tell the father or conceal him by his character and temper, and the whole problem lies in the instability of psychological teenager, and the reason for smoking adolescents are the parents who pay their children pushed to distortion due to tighten the grip on them and watched in stark Ovj, and with the difficulty of dealing with a teenager he is not a child subject to his family and adult supports it, the parents are not excused for their ignorance of the importance and need for friendship with a teenager in order not to find in bad friends instead of affiliation missing at home. Germans believe that doctors should treat patients, smokers, and this - in my opinion - if properly reached the extent of addiction, and because the ***** is located in the fig rolls of tobacco produces a kind of psychological addiction and physical habit. .
Causes of teen smoking and harmful effects on their health
Has proven scientific studies to date that tobacco contains more than 4000 toxic and dangerous of the most important of carbon monoxide, which causes the decline in the proportion of oxygen in the blood and thus adversely affect the efficiency and functioning of all organs of the body, without exception, and Article tar carcinogens as well as the article ** *** Tin and that lead to addiction and to continue to smoke
The tests proved that cigarettes contain 43 chemicals causing cancer and smoking is the direct cause in 78% of lung cancer and most cases of expansion of the lung and chronic bronchitis, and lead to heart disease and stroke.
Became a teenager spent large sums of money for the purchase of tobacco could be utilized in securing a healthy diet and using them to participate in scientific programs and participation in social and recreational activities aimed, in addition to that smoking leads some teenagers to leave behind the work of a simple, provisional and may in some cases, to the extent of borrowing from a third party or theft to secure a small amount for the purchase of tobacco has been dropping out of staying in school.
There are several factors to be without any preference or of particular importance to the leader and each teenager motives of which may differ from the motives of others. The most important of these motives are as follows:
1 - Parental indulgence:
When parents indulge in such habits become easy for a child to believe that these cigarettes are not such a serious and engaged only for his family and relatives and by doing so, parents encourage their children premeditated design to smoking.
2 - A sense of adventure
3 - conviction by friends
4: Provide cigarettes
"According to a study released found that teenagers who watch films that where there is smoking; three times more vulnerable to smoking addiction Ba compared to teenagers who watch fewer movies that have smoking.
It also emerged that half of young teenagers who started smoking did so after seeing smoking in movies. She added that the study revealed that smoking in movies in displays to attract young people to smoking, and that expose them to the heroes of the young beloved characters have, they're smoking.
According to statistics begins a day in 2050 a teenager aged between 12-17 years of smoking, and a third of those dying in the future due to diseases related to smoking.

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Maybe even a little Saadtk

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