عنوان الموضوع : مساعد عاجلة احتاجه غدا
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

ارجوكم انجليزية التمرين1.2.3.4 ص 82 ارجوكم الله يجازيكم بالحسنه احتاجه غدا

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>>>> الرد الأول :

Act. One (p.82)
You can devise another activity to differentiate between the zero and the first conditionals.
a- We will get wet if it rains. (prediction)
b-.If you boil water at 100% centigrade, it evaporates. (scientific truth)
c- If you throw water on fire, it will stop burning.
d- If you drink some cool water ,you will soon feel better.


>>>> الرد الثاني :

Act. Four (p.82)
This is a game. So let the students express freely their own ideas as long as the conditional is
used appropriately. This activity will be done by each group separately before doing it as a class.
G1: If you pass your exam, we’ll go to Brazil.
G2: What will we do if we go to Brazil?
G1: If we go to Brazil


>>>> الرد الثالث :

PRACTICE (pp. 82-83)
Act. One (p.82)
You can devise another activity to differentiate between the zero and the first conditionals.
a- We will get wet if it rains. (prediction)
b-.If you boil water at 100% centigrade, it evaporates. (scientific truth)
c- If you throw water on fire, it will stop burning.
d- If you drink some cool water ,you will soon feel better.
e- She will fall sick if she drinks that polluted water


>>>> الرد الرابع :

ACT 02

التمرين الثالث ربــــــــــــــــــي يعونكــــــــــــــــ


>>>> الرد الخامس :

Act. Two (p.82)

1. If you buy two, you will get one free.
2. I will help you do the exercises if you want.
3. If you do not stop making a noise, I will switch off the TV.
4. He will understand if you just explain why you came late.
5. If you touch that wire, you will get an electric shock.
6. If this jacket is the correct size, it will fit me.
F. promise 1
B. offer2
E. advice4
C warning5
A. prediction6


activity 4
if you pass your bac exams , what will you do
if i pass my bac exams, i will go to the university and study medecine
well, what will you do if you get a deploma
if i get it , i will complete my studies and choose my favourite speciality
if you finish study your speciality , what will you do
of course , i will open my personel clinic to help sick people
you have a shiny future
