عنوان الموضوع : اعطائـي فكرة فقط للانجليزية سنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

على ان صدد بداية تجربة لبرهنة شيء ما لكن لم اجد الفكرة يعني لم اجد ماابرهنه

مثل هذا الفيديو يبرهن لماذا الماء الاوكسجيني يشكل رغوة عند التقاءه بالدم


يعني تجربة وملاحظة و نتيجة بالانجليزية

لو سمحتم افكاركم

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

انا قمت بهذا المشروع
وكان حول وجود النشاء في الخبز و نستعمل في التجربة ماء اليود
يتحول لون الخبز الى الازرق الداكن عند اضافة ماء اليود دلالة على وجود النشاء



>>>> الرد الثاني :

فكرة جيدة انتظر افكار اخرى


>>>> الرد الثالث :



>>>> الرد الرابع :

which factor is most important for plant growth: sunlight, water, or good quality soil.
hypothesis :
water is the most important factor, then sunlight, then soil.
Materials: 8 pots, 1 bag of sand,, 1 bag of potting soil, 2 packets of seeds, , 1 measuring cup, 1 ruler, and 1 moisture meter.


We planted ten seeds in each pot, four in sand and four in good soil. We labeled each pot with a letter from A to H. Each letter has a different combination of the amount of water, the amount of sunlight, and the quality of the soil that they^Ore in. We put the plants that had high amounts of light in a window, and the plants that had low amounts of light in a closet. We decided that, on the moisture meter, the plants with low amounts of water should be about a 2, and the plants with high amounts of water should be about a 9, and we watered accordingly. Once the plants started growing, we began to record what day they sprouted, how many stalks were in the pot, how many leaves were on each stalk, how tall each plant is, what color it is, and how healthy it looks. After one month, we judged the plants on their height, the number of stalks in the pot, the number of leaves on each stalk, their color, and their health, and then compared that to our hypothesis.
The plants in the shade grew quickest, but weren't as strong. The plants in the sunlight took longer to grow, but were much healthier.
We thought that water was the most important factor in plant growth, but based on our rankings, we decided that sunlight is the most important factor.
Good Luck ^_^


>>>> الرد الخامس :
