عنوان الموضوع : ادخل (ة) تحضير بكالوريا
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
اريد منكم مساعدتي في انشاء فقرة تتكلم عن الرشوة باللغة الانجليزية
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
يا لطيف الرشوة وثاني باللغة الانجليزية ههههههههههههههه
اسمحيلي وكان جيت قادرة نساعدك نساعدك ربي يوفقك
>>>> الرد الثاني :
Corruption is the misuse or perversion of a process or interaction with one or more persons for the purpose, for the briber to obtain benefits or special prerogatives or to corrupt, to obtain compensation in exchange for his kindness. It generally leads to the personal enrichment of the corrupt or the enrichment of corrupt organization (mafia group, business, club, etc.1). This is a practice that may be required for unlawful under the relevant field (trade, business, politics ...).
It can affect any person with a power of decision, whether a politician, an officer, a private company under a doctor, an arbitrator or sportif2 a union or organization to which they belong .
Corruption is subjective but it still violates the boundary of law and morality. Indeed, we can distinguish passive bribery of corruption bribery is to provide money or services to a person who holds power in exchange for an undue advantage; passive bribery of accepting money .
A classic example is that of a politician who receives money personally or for his party from a public work and in turn assigns a public market. The politician could be accused of taking bribes: he received the money, while the company can it be accused of bribery. However, if the politician heads an association or a corporate foundation, the payment of money will be considered as "indirect bribery" or as an "additional interest" by others.
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>>>> الرد الثالث :
bribery a form of pecuniary corruption , is the crime of giving or receiving something valuable to influence the actions of officials. it is an illegal behavious which must be fought ,therfore we should take measures to stop it .
at first ,government all over the world should set up stringht laws and regulations against corruption and bribery. second , the offenders or public officials should be heavily punished either by paying fines or by putting them in jail . in addition, the authorities ought to inspect the work of public officials and also control their enrichment by following up investigations.
at the end , if the citizens show their contributions with the authorities , we will eradicate this corrupt practice
>>>> الرد الرابع :
l okht emy fleur
raki mkhalta bin bribery w corruption
bribery تعني الرشوة
corruption it's mean الفساد
راجعي معلوماتك مليخ و متخليش الكلمات الاساسية هاذي تتخلطلك
و ربي ينجحنا
>>>> الرد الخامس :