What is the question tag for " I am" ?
The question tag for "I am" is " aren't I ? "
And for " I am not ",is it " are I ?
No,it is " am I?
What about " Let's....................
It is " shall we?
And what about " Don't...................................
It is " will you?
thank u sis
the question tag for " I am
it's a new information
have you learnt it in the classroom
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة saya2011
thank u sis
the question tag for " I am
it's a new information
have you learnt it in the classroom
I am a teacher of English
Thank you
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111
I am a teacher of English
Thank you |
ohhhh I am sorry
I think you are a pupil
Iam sorry again
and thank you
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة saya2011
ohhhh I am sorry
I think you are a pupil
Iam sorry again
and thank you
Don't worry
You're always welcome
When can I use the imperative form and how ?
You can use it when giving direct orders,instructions,suggestions and warnings
تستطيع إستعمال صيغة الأمر عندما تعطي أمرا مباشرا ، عندما تعطي تعليمات ، إقتراحات ، تحذيرات .
1-Do the activity now.
إفعل هذا الآن .
2-Boil the water before adding the milk powder.
غلّي الماء قبل أن تضع حليب البودرة .
3-Start with the second exercise.
حُلَّ التمرين الأخير .
Don't swim here.
لا تسبح هنا .
Just star with the verb in stem form then complete your sentence without using a subject .
the negative starts by " Don't" then the verb in stem form then complete your sentence
ممكن شرح بالعربية من فضلك
When does intonation in question tags go up and when does it go down ?
When the speaker knows the answer and he just wants confirmation,the intonation goes down
The teacher: The classroom is very hot,isn't it ?
The intonation in the question tag here goes down because the teacher knows that the classroom is hot
and he wants confirmation from his pupils.That's why he asks the question tag with a falling intonation
Now,consider this short dialogue
Teacher: You have two brothers,don't you ?
A new pupil: No,Sir.I have just one
Here,the teacher asks the question tag with a rising intonation because he doesn't know how many
brothers the new pupil has.So,he asks the question tag seeking information not confirmation
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة arenouba
When can I use the imperative form and how ?
You can use it when giving direct orders,instructions,suggestions and warnings
تستطيع إستعمال صيغة الأمر عندما تعطي أمرا مباشرا ، عندما تعطي تعليمات ، إقتراحات ، تحذيرات .
1-Do the activity now.
إفعل هذا الآن .
2-Boil the water before adding the milk powder.
غلّي الماء قبل أن تضع حليب البودرة .
3-Start with the second exercise.
حُلَّ التمرين الأخير .
Don't swim here.
لا تسبح هنا .
Just star with the verb in stem form then complete your sentence without using a subject .
the negative starts by " Don't" then the verb in stem form then complete your sentence
ممكن شرح بالعربية من فضلك
ابدأ جملة الأمر بفعل دون استعمال الفاعل ثم أتمم ما تبقى من الجملة أما في النهي ابدأ بكلمة Don't ثم الفعل ثم أتمم الجملة