عنوان الموضوع : Specific learning features of English in Algeria بحث
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
Salamso this document deals with the "specific features of teaching /learning English in Algeria
First of all I would like to thank the Supervisers of Djelfa Mountada for their great collaboration for this forum page dedicated for the English Section
I would like to start with this first important document which states why is English taught in Our Country Algeria ? what is expected from our learners ? what is the role of the teacher? the answer to all those important questions are in
1) the programme document
2)document d'accopagnement
Both leaflets are provided in all the Middle Schools of the country and the teacher Must have an idea about them in order to be aware about their rights and duties towards teaching English in Algeria
briefly teaching English in Algeria aims at making our learners master the 3IIP competencies
a] Interact
b] Interpret
c] Produce
and here is the document that states the components of each competency
here is the link
for any request or comment you are welcome
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>>>> الرد الأول :
aid moubark Mr.samir 1st .I would like to thank you for your topics thank you so much and may god bless you forever
>>>> الرد الثاني :
J’ai besoin de ton aide sir pour le concours de post-graduation intitulé :
1-British, American, Commonwealth civilisation, English for affairs literary.
2- psychopedagogy and ******** contact.
3-sociolinguistic variation and Didactique des textes littéraires et de civilisation.
Which one should i choose ? And on what should i focus ? thanks for your response and have a great holidays .
aid moubarak takabala allaho mina wa minkom .
>>>> الرد الثالث :
Merci pour le message et Bonne Fete
les 3 themes sont tres interressants pour moi j'opeterai pour Amer & briti civ
je peux vous envoyer un document sur Amer & British civ et si vous avez besoin des livres sur psycho je peux aussi vous les procurer
contacte moi sur email : yellowdaffodil66 at gmail dot com
>>>> الرد الرابع :
>>>> الرد الخامس :