عنوان الموضوع : english projet
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

سلام عليكم
اريد حل الانجليزية صفحة 85 المشروع
نسحقو غدوا..

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

li daro ymadolna---------


>>>> الرد الثاني :



>>>> الرد الثالث :

نسحقو غدوا
ديرولنا الفقرة برك
صفحة 85...
ديرو كيما الى فالدرس ص83 نظن


>>>> الرد الرابع :

soory we're not there yet


>>>> الرد الخامس :

ok -.-

chkon daro ?????


انتظري الحل قريبا

in presente day algeria .sport is the teenagers favourite pastime .but people keep complaining that the good sporsmanship of the old times in gone and dead.
i decided to find out if it was true that our tenagers were less sporty than their elders .
i questioned 80.high school teenagers between 15 ad 17 years old .wheather they liked prctising sport .all of them said ''yes''
first . i asked them about the reason .sixty of them told me tha they did it for good fun and twelve did it for challenge .just eight who said because it is a good exercice
second .i questined them which sport did they like practising .fifty answered
they liked football
and fifteen said that they liked handball just twelve of them preffered basketball then i asked them what was their favourite football spor 28 of them told me usma 26 of them said mco and the same number said jsk .after that i questioned them about reason sixty of them told me that favourised it it for sportsmanship ad 15 of them of them said for their teamwork .just 5 said for their grit.next i asked them if they liked wachingsport all of them said yes when i qestioned them about the reason 55 of tem said told me for relaxing and 25 of them said for exciting .when a isked them what did they say when thir favourite theam win the game 70 of them said ''well we are just lucky and 10 of them said ''well we are champions.
finaly ..as expected .i found out that teenagers really give importance to sport expicially football

هدا كتبتوه فالقسم و لا انت حليتو ؟ + هدا واش قالك فالتمرين هدا كلش

maniche fhma hata 3lache rahou yahder lbathe !!!!!!

درناه في القسم

اسف اخي ان لم يعجبك فابحث عن غيره

ها قد جائتك المساعدة

ممكن انا ايضا تساعدوني في المشروع صفحة 100 في الانجليزية و لو بالقليل

koon na9der n3awnkm ndir wach t7ebo... forgiveme.
I'm sorry.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mido 1996
in presente day algeria .sport is the teenagers favourite pastime .but people keep complaining that the good sporsmanship of the old times in gone and dead.
i decided to find out if it was true that our tenagers were less sporty than their elders .
i questioned 80.high school teenagers between 15 ad 17 years old .wheather they liked prctising sport .all of them said ''yes''
first . i asked them about the reason .sixty of them told me tha they did it for good fun and twelve did it for challenge .just eight who said because it is a good exercice
second .i questined them which sport did they like practising .fifty answered
they liked football
and fifteen said that they liked handball just twelve of them preffered basketball then i asked them what was their favourite football spor 28 of them told me usma 26 of them said mco and the same number said jsk .after that i questioned them about reason sixty of them told me that favourised it it for sportsmanship ad 15 of them of them said for their teamwork .just 5 said for their grit.next i asked them if they liked wachingsport all of them said yes when i qestioned them about the reason 55 of tem said told me for relaxing and 25 of them said for exciting .when a isked them what did they say when thir favourite theam win the game 70 of them said ''well we are just lucky and 10 of them said ''well we are champions.
finaly ..as expected .i found out that teenagers really give importance to sport expicially football

hna tani darna haka raho shih