عنوان الموضوع : شكون لي خلص الامتحانات يدخل اولى ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
مدام انا مزال الامتحانات توعنوا راهوم في سمانة تع العطلة
ارجو لي دارو الامتحانات و خلصوااا يحطولي امتحاناتكم هنا باه راجع منهم
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>>>> الرد الأول :
مازالنا نستناو فيهم حنا غدوة نبداو
>>>> الرد الثاني :
حنا الامتحانات تاعنا ف 22 .. كشما نلقى رانى نمدلك
>>>> الرد الثالث :
Read the text and do the activities.
Millions of people in the world make use of the Internet, this international network of computers. This medium will soon change the way we communicate, shop, study, conduct business and publish. The Internet has unlimited possibilities. In an hour’s time the users can send an important message to one hundred thousand people, visit the most beautiful places all over the world, buy a computer, look over official documents, study the weather report and even get married.
The most popular way of using the net is e-mail. The system enables the holder to send information to other people in just a second; of course on the condition that the addressee has also access to the Internet. It costs only as much as a local telephone connection and is the fastest in the world.
Businessman use the Internet to obtain the latest information from the Stock Exchange. Scientists acquaint themselves with numerous achievements and novelties in all branches of science. In medicine, it is used in so called tele-surgery. The Internet makes it possible for a doctor to perform surgical operations on patient by remote control. The power of the Internet is infinite.
A)- Comprehension / Interpretation
1)- Choose the best title for the text. 1pt
a)- The Development of The Internet.
b)-The Different uses of The Internet.
c)- The Drawbacks of The Internet.
2)- Are the following statements true or false? 2pts
a)- Analysts think that the Internet will transform the way people study.
b)- People don’t like using Internet.
c)- The quickest way to communicate is the telephone.
d)- The Internet is useless in medicine.
3)- Answer the following questions according to the text. 1,5 pts
a)- What is the Internet according to the definition given in the text?
b)- What is the condition to send an e-mail?
c)- Can doctors use Internet in their work?
4)- Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following: 1,5 pts
a)-climate=……§1 b)- famous=…… §2 c)- many=…….§3
5)- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? 1 pt
a)- this medium b)- It
[05/12/2013 12:25:14] ahlem rached 15:
B/ Text Exploration
6) - Join the following statements using as appropriate the following connectors: 1,5 pts
although ; so ….that ; whom
a)-Fred is a student at the university. He does not speak English fluently.
b)-Clara is angry. She has not talked to us all this morning.
c)-Maria sent an e-mail to the girl. The girl is her key pal.
7) - Rewrite the sentences below to describe the objects in two other ways. 2 pts
A)-The egg is oval.
a- The egg………. b- Its ……….
B)- The dress is white and red.
a-The dress …..... b-Its ………..
8) - Re-order the words to make two coherent sentences. 1,5 pts
a)- washing/ However/ is/ machine/ The/ water/ . / useful/ . / it / , / uses / much
b)- desk / The / square / . / four / with / legs / is
9) - Fill in the gaps with : educates – best – different – relax 2 pts
TV is the……. invention that man has ever made. It allows people to ……. after a hard day’s work. Moreover, it …….. children because it shows them documentaries on …….. topics.
[ هادا انجلي
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رياضيات تمرين 1 صحيح او خ ت2 الجدول تاع الحصر ت3 على الدالة الزوجية
غلوم طويل بزاف داخل فيه درس التنفس والدعامة النسيجبة لدوران النسغ الكامل + وضعية ادماجية غلى مظاهر النمو وتحليل المنحنى
فيزياء تمرين ص او خ ت على الحركة المستقيمة + كيمياء درس مقريناهش
اعلام الي ساهل
ت1 تحولي الاكتيباش تشوفي سعة القرص لتكفي
ت 2 مصطلحات بالفرنسية
ت3 صح او خ
ت4 اسئلة على استعمالات الفارة طريقة فتح ملف
ت5 تكملى النقاط الداكرة الحية مدتلنا وش يمثل الرمز R OM
ت6 على العتاد والبرمجيات مخطط
تكنو 7 اسئلة ص اوخ
الاتوكاد وطريقة تفعيل منسوج المحاور
الملف الاداري
ت اسلامية دارولنا الحديث تاع الكسب الحلال
فوائد الوصايا العشر
صفات عباد الرحمان
الفقرة على دلائل القدرة
هادا مكان انشاء الله نكون افدتك يا لوكان بالقليل
>>>> الرد الرابع :
شكراااااااااااااااا جزيلا بارك الله فيك
و اخروووون اين انتم i need
>>>> الرد الخامس :
نحنا جابولنا على حاتم الطائي في العربية و رياضيات جابلنا الاستاذ غلدان sujetواعر
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