عنوان الموضوع : احتاج الى مساعدتكم اذا استطعتم اريد حل التمارين ص 18 و 19 من كتاب الانجليزية رجاء للسنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
احتاج الى مساعدتكم اذا استطعتم اريد حل التمارين ص 18 و 19 من كتاب الانجليزية رجاء
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>>>> الرد الأول :
الن تساعدوني
>>>> الرد الثاني :
Act. One (p.18)
The aim of this activity is to make the students consolidate the use of the semi-modal used to (in contrast with the present simple tense).
a- Samira doesn’t like reading now, but she used to read a lot.
b- Where did she use to live ?
c- there used to be
d- didn’t use to wear
e- did she use to work in one before?
Act. Two(p.18)
The aim of this activity is to make the students aware that the letter “d” in the semi-modal used to is pronounced /t/ because of the phonological phenomenon known as assimilation. In other words the voiced /d/ sound of used assimilates itself to the /t/sound of to of the semi-modal used to..
Act.Three (p.18)
The aim here is to make the students edit the wrong uses of tenses.
a-In ancient times, most people used to worship stones.
b-We used to go for long walks in the country when my father
was alive.
c-We usually eat out for dinner.
d-I used to go to school by bicycle, but I don’t do it any longer.
e-In England, most people often go to the theatre at weekends.
Act. Four(p.18)
The students will use either the semi-modal used to or the present simple tense with the verbs between brackets.
All the members of my family have changed their lifestyles of late. My grandfather used to drink coffee. Now he drinks milk. My father didn’t used to jog. Now he runs more than three kilometres every afternoon. My mother used to **** food for every meal because she could not eat leftovers and processed food. Now, she often sends me to buy pizzas whenever she feels she can’t prepare dinner.
My brothers used to go to bed early. These days, they stay up late with the other members of the family watching films on TV. They didn’t use to play video games. Now they are addicted to them. Even I haven’t escaped the change. I used to read books... ( The students can write a continuation to the text.)
Act.Five (p. 19)
The answers are not necessarily the ones given in the key below.
Example: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.
a. You’ve put too much pressure in the balloon . Mind, it is going to
explode/ blow up.
b. The referee has put the whistle in his mouth. He is going to end the
c. Mouloud has lost his balance. He is going to fall down.
d. Zohra has switched the TV off . She is going to bed/sleep.
e. Karim has just entered the postoffice. He is going to send a letter.
Act. One (p.19)
The students will edit the text using the semi-modal used to as appropriate.
I was born in the Kasbah of Algiers in 1949. My father was a stevedore: he used to work in the docks, loading and unloading ships. He used to go to work
early in the morning and to come back home late in the evening without getting any wages. At the time, stevedores used to pay French foremen on the docks to get a day’s work, but my dad never paid. So he didn’t use to get work every day. Mum used to cry but poor old dad never used to say a word. I remember, money was always the problem.
My sister Zohra and I didn’t have toys. So we used to go down the steep and narrow alleys of the Kasbah to spend the day in the French quarter near the harbour. All day long, we used to look at the toys displayed in shopwindows and envy the children of the French colonists playing in the park….
Act. Two (p.19)
The aim of this activity is to make the students re-invest the going to form to produce/write a policy statement. Before setting the students to task, brainstorm the topic with thems and elicite other ideas about what they are going to do if they are elected to an executive office. Make sure the ideas are organised into sets/chunks that they will develop into paragraphs. The ideas can be related to economy, society, the environment and so on and so forth.
Fellow Citizens,
If I am elected to office, I’m going to improve the standards of life in our town. First, I’m going to raise the salaries by 20 per cent ....
Moreover, I’m going to take a lot of measures to protect the environment and the health of our citizens. I’m going to ...
Finally, I’m going to improve our health system. I’m going to build two thousand flats. ..
>>>> الرد الثالث :
ان شاء الله نكون أفدتك
>>>> الرد الرابع :
شكرا جزيلا اختاه على مساعدتك القيمة لي
وربي يعطيك ما تتمني في
>>>> الرد الخامس :
العفو أختي