عنوان الموضوع : راني نطلب فيكم و عارفكم ما تردونيش بليييييز
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
المشروع الثاني في الانجليزية عن الكوارث الطبيعية.
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
Quoi !! hàdà wàchmén màdà !!!!!
>>>> الرد الثاني :
اخب اذهب لموسوعة ويكيبيديا فيها كل شيء
>>>> الرد الثالث :
>>>> الرد الرابع :
béh ché po màzél mà9rinàhoùmch !!
>>>> الرد الخامس :
اسفة اخي احنا مانديروش البحوث في الانجليزية استادنا كامل ماتمدهوملناش ملي دخلت للثانوية ودرست لعندها مازال مامدتناش بحث
اسفة اخي اردت خقا مساعدتك لكن مازال مادرناااااااااااااااه
merci pour votre intérêt
اردت المساعدة لأن فضائلك كثيرة
لم نقم هذا بعد
ولكن هذا ما استطعت عليه أخي كما انك لم ترودنا بالعناوين المطلوب إجراء البحث عليها لذا آسفـــة
وطبعا لا تنقلها كما هي إنتقي منها ما تحتاجه هذه بعض المعلومات فقط + الصور موجودة في النت .معذرة مرة أخرى لوقمنا به لنقلته لك حاضرااا
A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, severe weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and other geologic processes. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leaves some economic damage in its wake, the severity of which depends on the affected population's resilience, or ability to recover.
An adverse event will not rise to the level of a disaster if it occurs in an area without vulnerable population. In a vulnerable area, however, such as San Francisco, an earthquake can have disastrous consequences and leave lasting damage, requiring years to repair
A natural disaster is a sudden event that causes widespread destruction, lots of collateral damage or loss of life, brought about by forces other than the acts of human beings. A natural disaster might be caused by earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruption, landslide, hurricanes etc. In order to be classified as a disaster it will have profound environmental effect and/or human loss and frequently incurs financial loss
The world's worst natural disasters
The following is a list of some of the worst natural calamities to strike the world since 1900. The list is by definition arguable. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, cyclones, hurricanes and other storms are all clearly natural phenomena.
But the picture is less clear for disasters like floods and famine. What some people may consider a natural disaster, others may consider more of a political act (for instance, some of the world's deadliest floods and famines were caused, at least in part, by policy decisions taken by hostile, indifferent or negligent regimes).
For our purposes, we have included floods and famines as well as flu pandemics on the assumption that disasters that are not man-made are, by definition, natural.
This list is also limited to disasters since 1900 — an arbitrary cut-off to be sure — but one made to reflect so-called "modern-day" disasters only.
The death tolls from disasters in the long-distant past are, at best, rough estimates. But there can be no doubt that our pre-1900 ancestors endured some appalling calamaties such as the bubonic plague ("The Black Death") that spread through Europe beginning in 1348 and wiped out an estimated one-third of humanity, or about 25 million people.
مرسي ختي ربي يجازيك و يخليك لينا
نحن لم نتطرق له بعد
قد تمت المساعدة من طرف الأعضاء بارك الله فيهم
i dan't think that the second project is about the natural disaster