عنوان الموضوع : المراقبة المرجعية السالبة سنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

من فضلكم سااااااااااااااااعدوني
أريد بعض المعلومات عن المراقبة الرجعية السالبة في تنظيم السكر
من فضلكم احتاجه للغد

و إذا كان هناك أي معلومات عن الخلايا التي لا تستعمل الجلوكوز
أفيدوني من فضلكم

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

مراقبة رجعية سالبة : يؤدي ارتفاع نسبة الهرمونات المبيضية الى تثبيط افرازات الهرمونات النخامية
مراقبة رجعية ايجابية : يؤدي انخفاض نسبة الهرمونات المبيضية الى تنشيط افرازات الهرمونات النخامية


>>>> الرد الثاني :

]مفهمتش مليح stp كون لي عندو شرح اخر... ]


>>>> الرد الثالث :

exampl of first english exam for scientific streams
I) Read the text carefully then do the activities
On October 24th, 1945, the charter of the united nation consecrated the birth of the U.N.O as an international organization. it was created to promote world's peace and security and to encourage social progress. its successes in the fields of social develpment, decolonization human rights, disarmament and peace keeping have been the major achievements in the second half of the twentieth century. The U.N represents the people's highest aspirations towards a world free from wars, poverty oppression and sufferings.
Celebrated in 1995, the 50th anniversary coincides with a turning point in modern history. in fact, quick changes having incalculable impact are taking place on the world's political scene. countries which tought, no longer ago, that they were completly autonomous, are now intimately linked together, if they have to live in a world where peace justice and prosperity prevail.
The 50th anniversary has not only been an occasion to think about the results so far obtained, but also to define the orientations for the next century. in the years to come, the U.N will be more indispensable. it will have a greater efficiency than in the past if the peoples and governments are conscious of the role it can play in bringing them closer to each other around the same goals.

1) how many sentences are there in the last paragraph ?
2) are there statements true, false or not mentioned ?
a- the UNO was created more than 50 years ago.
b- countries should live together and share the same destiny
3) who and what do the underlined words refer to in the text ?
a- countries which
b- it will have
c- in bringing them
4) in which paragraph is it mentioned that ?
a- the UNO has achieved major tasks since its creations
b- today countries find it necessary to be dependent on one-another
5) answer these questions according to the text
a- what was the united nation organization created for ?
b- what do the united nations represent ?
c- how can they be more efficient in the future ?
6) a- find in the text words closest in meaning to: growth - objectives
b- find in the text words opposites in meaning to: failures - ancient

II-mastery of ********:
1) supply punctuation and capitals where necessary
many countries like rwanda somalia and the middle east are suffering from injustice and oppression
2) give the nouns and the adjectives of the following verbs: encourage - achieve
3) express it differently:
a) the league of nations was not able to make peace
the league of nations .........................................
b) the united nations are obliged to resolve nations' conflicts
the united nations .................................................. ......
c) the apartheid system did not allow blacks and whites to live together
the blacks and the whites .................................................. ..........
4) complete this dialogue
A: have you heard about the UNO?
B: yes, it is .................................................. ...................................
A: .................................................. ...............................................?
B: it was created on Oct 24th, 1945
A: .................................................. ...............................................?
B: to restore peace, resolve world's conflicts and preserve human rights.
5) classify these words according to their final /s/
rights - nations - successes

III- written expression
use these notes and write compositions on this topic:
the international community should take necessary measures to help reduce hunger in the world

• hunger is permanent in poor countries
• many people die from hunger
• plan economy
• train people in agriculture
• use modern methods and materials
• help poor countries to be self-sufficient ...


>>>> الرد الرابع :


>>>> الرد الخامس :
