عنوان الموضوع : ♥♥♥ Your hopes and wishes for the new year سنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب


Je souhaite que vous aller bien

well , the new year is about to begin and also the next term , and the Holidays is about to end also

So tell me what Are your hopes and wishes

Like doing new hobbies , reading books , practicing sport
work on something

Let's Share our tought together

Love you All in Allah .. <3

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>>>> الرد الأول :

well ! i wish that the new year will be good to me ! mainly in my studies ! i'll try to make my efforts to get better !


>>>> الرد الثاني :

Good Luck Honnèy
this is my main goal too


>>>> الرد الثالث :

inshae'allah this new year will be good also i'll change evrything wrong to better inshae'llah

yala my friend i wish'e you all the best

May your New year be

A new year that brings luck and prosperity

A New Year that brings happiness and joy

Happy New Year


>>>> الرد الرابع :

emmmmmmm for me i have a lot of hopes for this new year
the first one is to get a 18 in this second term
the second one is to give someone a life lesson that they will never ever forget
the third one is to become more stronger so that i can get over some silly things
those three are my main hopes and not wishes cuz i know i can do'eme inchlh
and about wishes i wish a i become a millyardair somehow khkhkh
thnx for the topic dear


>>>> الرد الخامس :

...hi ...i wish that the new year will be good to me ..not more...hhhhh


َAlias .. I hope that all your dreams will come true

Just keep on saying I can do it ? i can do it


Hello ;;
Firstly thank you for the topic
So, I have huge dreams i ask allah that they all will become true
{my main wish is that palestine will become free someday{why not in 2014
not more for now
wish the best for u ^^

يا رب حققلي حلمي في 2014 اللي هو حلم تاع 2013 كنت تمنيتو في 2012

اريد ان انتقم من المعدل الكارثة و استعيد مستواي


Salem alikum,emm so,I want to improve MySeLf to the BeSt in shaa ellah,
& improve My educaTiOnAl attainment
Good luck and thank YoU