عنوان الموضوع : come in if you want to learn english للسنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
For me
English is the easiest ******** in the whole world
You can learn it simply by loving it enough
There was a several things that i used to improve my English
First of all i recommend you to watch the youtube serial of English learning videos by misterduncan in England
It is composed of more than 90 videos
And here is the first lesson
i also advice you to visit this site so often because it is really helpful
movies, programs tv serials that are English subtitled can be also helpful
for me i like cartoons and i chose to watch detective conan with eng sub and i found it really a good way to learn
(the movie of pursuit of happinesse is really a good movie with an easy expressions somehow, it is available in youtube)
i also recommend you to read books, especial to read a one titled a journey to the centre of the earth it is an exciting book and you can find it in goodreads
you can read it online
Or you can download it in pdf format or any other format as you like
For a dictionary i advice you to buy a medium Oxford dictionary it is very useful for me especially in school, let’s say outside
At home and to be honest i only use Google translate
To conclude with it will be good if you change your ******** account ******** to English and start having friends from china, Spain, Russia, England, and you will surely be forced to talk in English and there is no way better than obligation to learn a ******** really really fast
That’s what i have for now and in case of any new discoveries or in case i remembered something i forgot to write about i’ll add it latter
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
thnx a lot sister ♥
peace ^^
>>>> الرد الثاني :
sorry but how we using this set
>>>> الرد الثالث :
English Is Simply >The Greatest ******** Of all Time
(After لغة الضاد Of-Course )
I Love It *
God Bless Sister For this
>>>> الرد الرابع :
thank you![]()
>>>> الرد الخامس :
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ňàđĵảt Ľǿķa Ṕǿŗ-ểľ ![]()
English Is Simply >The Greatest ******** Of all Time
(After لغة الضاد Of-Course )
I Love It *
God Bless Sister For this
بالعكس العربية من اصعب اللغات اكثرها مفردات اغزرها معاني اجودها لفظا
نحمد الله انا عرب و العرب افصح البشر![]()
thanksss alot sis for your informations and ilove english she's running in my blood.loooool
and we know that it's the ******** of the world so we have to learn it to comunicate witheveryone from every contry of this hug world![]()
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة insag folle ![]()
بالعكس العربية من اصعب اللغات اكثرها مفردات اغزرها معاني اجودها لفظا
نحمد الله انا عرب و العرب افصح البشر
I Said The Greatest
Not The Easiest
sorry.I apologise![]()
thank you so much
thank you so much darling for this advises i hope that every one 'll used to learn english a
Thanx a lot honey