عنوان الموضوع : أررجووكم أحتاجكم في الإنجليزية ربي يحققلكم ما تتمنون ثانية ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أما بعد أرجووووووووووووكم

أنا في حاااااااااجــــــة إليكمـ

أريد حل write it out page 50

للسنة ثانية ثانوي طبعااااا

ربي يحفظكم و يخليلكم والديكم

أرجوووووووووووكم أحتاجه الآآآآآآآآآن

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :



>>>> الرد الثاني :

36 مشاهدة و 0 مساعدة


>>>> الرد الثالث :

أنا في حاجــــــة إل حل write it out page 50
fi assra3wakt ardjoukm


>>>> الرد الرابع :

أختي هل ينفع نسخة من كراسي؟


>>>> الرد الخامس :

اسمحيلي انا قريت writ it up page 46
ما زال ما وصلناهاش


لحلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي

للتحميل :

بسم الله -

اضغط هنا لتحميل الملف

طريقة التحميل


والله مازال ماوصلتش كون صبت نعاونك للاسف

اريد مقالة عن السؤال العلمي و السؤال الفلسفي 3 لغغغاتت هرجوكم

ladies and gentlmen i have dream that children of my age will be able to live thier childhood as normal possible. i have dream to have the right to live in peace. a dream that could necerbe realized unless the adult would care about us . Our grandparents were able to assume their resposibilities at an early age how about us. we hope that we could do it give us chanceto try do it and to prove . i hope we will be able to express our opinion and fellings freely .

تم لك يا عاشقة فلسطين بالتوفيق لك ان شاء الله

هذا الفقرة انا لي كتبتها اتمنى ان تعجبك
Ladies and gentlemen let me make this point right away age limits are not fair I want to vote but i can't do that at the age of sixteen "I am sorry you are too young they say I am not an adult until I am nineteen But when I buy a plane ticket i have to pay the full fare I am an adult although I am just sixteen,
I wonder why we can’t drive ! I wonder why children are dropped from school at an early age although they have the full right to finish their studies!!
Ladies and gentlemen I have a dream that children of my age will able to make their own decisions, hope that our parents will understand one day that we are humans and teenagers so we must make mistakes to learn
Our grandparents were able to Live peacefully in a hope full society
I hope we will be able to do what we want and people will realize that "Excellence is not a gift given; but a skill perfected." "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
I hope we will be able to live in a civilized society that understands our demands and encourages us to do better
و الخاتمة من الكتاب

Thank's aruis


Ladies and gentlemen ……. Sixteen
I want to continue my study but my parents wants me to leave school at early age because i’m an adult and let me work full time to get money although i’m exposed to children labour exploitation . some teenagers want to married , but they are young to be responsible for a family and childrens , but when they join the army , they are adult to do military service.

Ladies and gentlemen I have a dream that children to my age will be able to vote and express their opinions .i’ve a dream that the gouvernement stop children labour exploitation , and let them continut their studies
Our grandparents were able to get married at early age.
I hope we will be able to do it
Thank you very much for your kind attention , ladies and gentlemen .please sign the petition ….alll