عنوان الموضوع : please help me ...please بكالوريا علمي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
Prepare a short public statement saying what you wuold do to fight corruption ..if you were elected mayor
o your town
Please help me ...même si b qq informations ...please
Rabi ywafa99na ^_~
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>>>> الرد الأول :
Corruption is a dangerous social phenomenon which can undermine the development and well being of a country this is why we must combat it with our might( power ).what would i do if were elected a president ؟
If i were elected a president of this country , i would pass severe laws to punish corrupt people in onder to protect honest citizens from their wrong doings.
More over ,tax evasion should be punished severely as it constitutes a serious threat to the existence of the nation is projects since most of them are dependent on the collection of taxes.
Then , I think that work , being the most valuable richness of the country ,should be rehabilated .If i were elected president .I would do my best to reconcile our countrymen with work .
Last but not least ,I would appoint honest , hard working ,and sincer civil servants who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the welfare of their people.
To conclude,to combat corruption effectively, I would use all powers.All means,all people of different parties as soon as possible before it is too late and the sooner ,the better
>>>> الرد الثاني :
I circled around and i found a lot , and here is another one
and i would like to share our paragraph we did in the classroom last week if you want
Corruption is an evil that threetens our society and if I were elected head of state, I would eradicate it.
Firstly, I would rehabilitate the value of work by offering adequate solaries and reducing unemployment.
Secondly, I would fight tax evasion and capital flight because people who earn ( gain ) a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of our country.
Thirdly, I would pass severe laws and designate special tribunals to punish bribe takers and thos who behave illegally.
Next, I would introduce anti-corruption programs into our shools in order to teach our children the moral values... and encourage our Citizens to militate in anti-Corruption associations.
Dear citizens, If you elect me president, I would do all my best to stop fraud and corruption but my success in this mission depends en you help and voice.
So, Vote for honesty, Vote for me.
>>>> الرد الثالث :
واش نقولكك ربي يحفظكك و يجزيكك كل خير
ربي يوفقكك و يعاونكك و يسهلكك اموركك
مرسي كثيررر
>>>> الرد الرابع :
>>>> الرد الخامس :