عنوان الموضوع : الى عباقرة اللغة الانجليزية باك ادبي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

ريد من فضلكم ان تقومو بحل و الاجابة على الاسئلة الموجودة في الكتاب المدلرسي صفحة66 -67 كتاب الانجليزية جمع الشعب نا في انتضالر الاجابة شكرا لكم مسبقا

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

من فضلكم اريد الان الاجابة


>>>> الرد الثاني :

انا بحاجة للاجابة الله ينوركم


>>>> الرد الثالث :

منفضلكم ريد الاجابة


>>>> الرد الرابع :

A. They are commissioning social audits because they are increasingly aware of the importance of social and environmental issues for their reputation.
B. Giovani Preston travels to countries to check labour standards.
C. Labour standards: paying their workers fairly, good health standards - safety record with low levels of illness and accidents - not using child labour
D. We can no longer separate ethics from business. (Students can provide many possible justifications.)
Task 3 (p.67)
A. commission B. prosper C. corporate D. designate
E. oversee F. suppliers G. scrutiny


>>>> الرد الخامس :

thanks my friend for this effort h hope this willnot be not the last and wish you would get the bacoloreat with a good mention and the other


As you read (p.66)

Task 1:
A.b This task is not testing students’ comprehension. So make sure they explain why the other choices are false.
B. Social Auditing and its importance in business
Task 2 (p.66)
A. They are commissioning social audits because they are increasingly aware of the importance of social and environmental issues for their reputation.
B. Giovani Preston travels to countries to check labour standards.
C. Labour standards: paying their workers fairly, good health standards - safety record with low levels of illness and accidents - not using child labour
D. We can no longer separate ethics from business. (Students can provide many possible justifications.)
Task 3 (p.67)
A. commission B. prosper C. corporate D. designate
E. oversee F. suppliers G. scrutiny

A.b This task is not testing students’ comprehension. So make sure they explain why the other choices are false.
B. Social Auditing and its importance in business
Task 2 (p.66)
A. They are commissioning social audits because they are increasingly aware of the importance of social and environmental issues for their reputation.
B. Giovani Preston travels to countries to check labour standards.
C. Labour standards: paying their workers fairly, good health standards - safety record with low levels of illness and accidents - not using child labour
D. We can no longer separate ethics from business. (Students can provide many possible justifications.)
Task 3 (p.67)
A. commission B. prosper C. corporate D. designate
E. oversee F. suppliers G. scrutiny

you shoud think goood badi hhh byby
