عنوان الموضوع : مساعدة بكالوريا ادبي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
السلام عليكم
اريد فقرة عن الفساد بالانجليزية
و شكرا مسبقا
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
it happens when organisations or individuals profit unlawfully because they have highpositions and power in society .corruption is widespreadworldwide.butit can be found particularly in countries where the legal systemmass media and the publicadministration are weak and undeveloped .in recent years there has been an increase in corruption in many countries .more and people are worried about this problem.so they are doing their best to combat it both nationalyand internationally.concerningthe seriousness of corruption ,there are serval degrees of corruption .the lowest degree is called "petty corruption" petty corruption is when a small public offficial for example a nurse or a policemen and high civil.at its highest servants take advantage of their positions to enrich themselves in order to stay in power.at its highest level ,this form of corruption known as "grandcorruption" often involes large international bribes and secret bank accounts in foregin banks the third degree of corruption "state capture" arises when weakstates or countries allow businessmen and other powerful people in the country in order to influence legislation laws ,elections ...etc ,with the effect that competition in the private is distored .this is the worst.
corruption always means that money is paid upwaid .it is the poorestgroups that are most severely affected by corruotion .for example ; it can be difficult enough for poor people to afford to go to a doctor when they have tio.if the doctor or nurse must also be given a bribe to do their jiobs,pooor people might just not have enough money.
>>>> الرد الثاني :
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