عنوان الموضوع : this is the correction of the exam about EDUCATION IN THE WORLD باك ادبي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

سلام ، أقدم لكم الإجابة النموذجية للموضوع الذي سبق نشره حول وحدة EDUCATION ,لكن من المستحسن تحميل الموضوع لربطه بالإجابة و بالتوفيق للجميع

01)-The correct title : Education in England
03)-Answers to the questions (01,50 points):
a)-Business and Technology Education Council as well as the International Baccalaureate
b)-Yes, they do.
c)-Bachelor’s degree , master’s degrees and doctorate degrees.
04)-In which paragraph is it mentioned that (01,50points):
a)-in paragraph three
b)-in paragraph one
c)-in paragraph two
05)-What do the letters stand for according to the text (01point):
Example : TPA= Teacher and Parent Association
BTEC=Business and Technology Education Council
IB = International Baccalaureate
01)-The synonyms
( separated = divided ) , ( carry on = continue ), ( required by law = compulsory ) ,
( select = choose )
02)-Complete the following chart with correct word category (01point):
To educate
To qualify
To select

03)-Final “s” pronunciation (01 points):
Taxes – authorities
04)-Completing the passage (02 points):
(1= influencing ) , ( 2= computers ) , (3=than ) , (4=ago)
Topic one: teacher’s sample correction:
The Algerian educational system is divided into three cycles rimary (05 years) , middle
(04years) and secondary-school (03 years). When Algerian students get their baccalaureate ( in one of the available streams) ,they pursue their studies in any university chosen previously ,such universities are managed by an autonomous ministry (the Algerian ministry of higher education ). Concerning the first three cycles, there is an official programme implemented in all Algerian schools. Thanks to it, students learn numerous subjects such as science , mathematics ,physics , literature ,history ,computing and even foreign ********s like English , French , German , Spanish ….etc. At the end of each cycle, students should get positive results as regards their evaluation in order to
carry on their studies. In secondary-schools, there are some streams administered by the
Algerian ministry of education, namely, science , mathematics , literature and philosophy ,
Foreign ********s …etc. There are both boys and girls in Algerian classes and they are
all eager to succeed in their studies : successful education is important an anybody’s
professional career.
TOPIC TWO: Write a composition in which you state your idea of an ideal school?
اما الفقرة الثانية ،فسأملي عليكم أفكاري الشخصية فيما يخص السؤال الذي يطلب منكم وصف المدرسة المثالية ،يقصد خالية من السلبيات
Note: here I help you with my own ideas :
--a school in which there is opportunity to develop our skills
--a school in which there is a large library full of various important books
--a school in which there is a large computing room with access to the internet for all
--a school in which teachers use modern media like videos , pictures and technologies to things clear
--a school in which the administration work closely with parents
--a school in which students from both rich and poor families learn together without discrimination
-- a school in which all students are harmonious with their teachers and no misbehaviour

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

شكرا و بارك الله فيك جعله الله من ميزان حسناتك

ممكن تحطنا امتحانات اخرى في الانجليزية لغات اجنبية بلييييييييييييييييز


>>>> الرد الثاني :

شكرا و بارك الله فيك جعله الله من ميزان حسناتك

ممكن تحطنا امتحانات اخرى في الانجليزية لغات اجنبية بلييييييييييييييييز
More test paper please sir


>>>> الرد الثالث :

سلام، لتلبية طلبكم فيما يخص مواضيع لتحضير بكالوريا 2013
أعدم بنشر مواضيع لاحقا باك إنجليزية جديدة في هذا الإطارمن إنشائي شخصيا وليست مأخوذة من الحوليات
التي يملكها الجميع ،ترقبوا ذلك و أتمنى لكم التوفيق إنشاء الله سواء طلبة أو أساتذة.
فقط لا تنسوا أن تدعوا لنا كي يرزقن المولى بالصحة و العافية،شكرا.

written by :teacher06


>>>> الرد الرابع :

شكرا وبارك الله فيك في ميزان حسناتك ونحن بانتظار جديدد استاذنا


>>>> الرد الخامس :

merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thanksssss
darweek akedelna 3la unit 2 3tina les paragraphes ,les sujet
w rabi yahafdek nchalahe


سلام ،إليكم هذا الموضوع المأخوذ من كتيب صغير تم إعداده من طرف هيئة المفتشية العامة للبداغوجية
سنة 2012
هذا الموضوع متعلق بوحدة ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS

A - Comprehension (7 pts)
• Read the text carefully th en do the activities.

The study of ancient Egypt is called Egyptology, and experts in the field are Egyptologists. Much of their knowledge cornes from studying the architecture and other arts of ancient Egypt. Excavations of pharaohs' tombs, such as those in a burial ground called the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, have yielded superb paintings. Tutankhamen's tomb was filled with stunning examples of the ancient Egyptians'ski11 in woodworking and ****lworking.
Information about ancient Egypt also cornes from written records made by the Egyptians themselves and by such ancient Greek writers as Herodotus and Strabo. The Egyptians used hieroglyphics until sometime after they were colonized by the Romans. The ability of anyone to read Egyptian hieroglyphics was then quickly lost.
For over one thousand years, scholars tried but failed to decipher the writing system of ancient Egypt. Then, in 1799, a rock slab with ancient Greek and Egyptianwriting was found outside Rosetta, a city near Alexandria. A French scholar namedJean Francois Champollion began to compare the Greek and Egyptian words on the
so-called Rosetta stone. By 1822, he had deciphered the hieroglyphics. Dictionaries developed since then have helped scholars translate the writings on many monument sand in temples and tombs.
Adapted tram: Leonard H. Lesko,

1. Are these statements true or false ? Write True or False next to the sentence letter.
a) Egyptologists are Egyptians specialized in ancient arts.
b) Egyptian hieroglyphics were~ difficult to decipher.
c) The Rosetta stone contained ancient Greek and Egyptian writing.

2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that scholars use dictionaries to help
themselves read hieroglyphic texts ?
3. What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to ?
a) Much of their knowledge .. ... (§1)
b) ..... sometime after they were colonized by the Romans. (§2
4. Answer the following questions according to the text
a) What do Egyptologists study?
b) Who managed to translate the written Egyptian ********?
c) How long did it take him to decipher the writing system of ancient Egypt?

5. Choose a title to the text
a) Ancient Egypt b) Egyptological Studies c)The Greeks and the Egyptians
B - Text Exploration (7 pts)
1. Find in the text words or phrases closest in meaning to the following :
a) professionals (§ 1) b) documents (§2) c) to decode (§3)
2. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.
Ve:rb Noun Adjective
to know knowledge knowledgeable
...................... excavation ............................
..................... ........................ comparable
to help ......................... ..............................
3. Ask questions that the underlined words answer.
a) Hieroglyphic writing first began around 5000 years ago.
.................................................. .................................................. ......?
b) The first hieroglyphics were used on buildings and tombs.
.................................................. .................................................. ..?
4. Complete sentence (h) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

. a) The ancient Egyptians created arithmetic, and a 365-day calendar.

b) Arithmetic, and a 365-day calendar .............................................. .

2. a) "These gigantic stone structures serve as spectacular reminders of the glory
of ancient Egypt", he said.
b) He said .................................................. ............................... .

5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final "ed".
called - yielded - stopped - deciphered

6. Complete the following dialogue.
Amel : .................................................. .. ?
Karim : The Egyptian ******** was written in hieroglyphics, a system of
picture symbols that stood for ideas and sounds.
Amel : ...... .. ............................ . ... . ........... ?
Karim : They began to use this system around 3000 B.e.
Amel : .. .......... .. ... ...... ...................... . .. ... . ?
Karim : It consisted of over 700 picture symbols.
Amel : ..................... . .......... . .. .. ..... ........ .. ?
Karim : Well ..... on monuments, temples and tombs in addition to papyrus
wruch they created.

Part Two : Written Expression (6 pts)
• Choose one of the following topics.

Either topic one: Use the following notes to develop a paragraph of about 100
words explaining why Ancient Egyptians lived along the Nile River.
- Area along the Nile a fertile land: rich, black soil along each bank farmers
raise a huge supply of food
- The Nile River a source of irrigation for farming
- The Nile as main transportation route

Or topic two: Many ancient civilizations have made major contributions to the
modern World. Write a paragraph of about 80 words on sorne of their contributions.


I think you have already started your revision,accordingly , I say :"GOOD LUCK FOR YOU AND ENCHALAH WITH YOUR CONSTANT WORK YOU WILL SUCCEED AND JOIN UNIVERSITY"

written by:teacher06

note:in the comming few days,i shall send you an exam papers to prepare the UNITS OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS AND ETHICS IN BUSINESS

lah y3aychak merci

thanks a lot teacher u helped us with your special tests

hello students it's time to prepare seriously ,good luck