عنوان الموضوع : ارجوكم ساعدوني في حل هذا التمرين من فضلكم للثانية ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم يا اعضاء المنتدى كيف حالكم ارجوكم يا اخوتي بالأخص الأدبيين ساعدوني في حل تمرين اللغة الانجليزية صفحة 19 رقم 2 وسؤاله يبدأ هكذا ارجوكم وربي يوفقكم
imagine you are on an election campaign ارجوكم انا انتظر احتاجه غدا ربي يوفقكم لا تبخلوني ان كنتم تعرفونه وان لم تعرفو لا مشكل وان قمنا بحله غدا سأكتبه لكم ارجوكم ان استطعتم ساعدوني

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

تفضلي يا أخت ... أرجو من الله أن تستفيدي من هذا ، واكتبي على طريقتك :

The aim of this activity is to make the students re-invest the going to form to produce/write a
policy statement. Before setting the students to task, brainstorm the topic with thems and elicite
other ideas about what they are going to do if they are elected to an executive office. Make sure
the ideas are organised into sets/chunks that they will develop into paragraphs. The ideas can be
related to economy, society, the environment and so on and so forth.

مثلا :

Fellow Citizens,
If I am elected to office, I’m going to improve the standards of life in our town. First, I’m
going to raise the salaries by 20 per cent ....
Moreover, I’m going to take a lot of measures to protect the environment and the health of our
citizens. I’m going to ...
Finally, I’m going to improve our health system. I’m going to build two thousand flats.


>>>> الرد الثاني :

انتظريني دقيقة و ساوافيك به ان شاء الله


>>>> الرد الثالث :

hello .ladies and gentlmen
i have a great honour to meeting with you
if i'm elected to office .first, i'm going to reduce food prices ,then i'm going to raise civil servantes ralaries after that i'm going to build a hospital because it very important and i going to impose higher taxes on cigarettes & i'm going to provide occomodation houses for all.
next, i'm going to organise compaigns to clean the town , then i'm going to build many mosques &many houses , then i'm going to pronde countryside with (water,hospitals, schools ...)
finally , i'm going to build libraries & public garden ,then im going to help poor people by giving them all what they need like money ,clothes....ect
i'm going to crrange english and french cources to the students so i do things that benefit youg people.
thank you all& best wishes.
اتمنى ان يعجبك


>>>> الرد الرابع :

ارجوكم اريد المساعدة في مشروع طب المختص بالعيون او اي طب الان انا متاجة اليه الان


>>>> الرد الخامس :

english 2as book corrections


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مرام94
hello .ladies and gentlmen
i have a great honour to meeting with you
if i'm elected to office .first, i'm going to reduce food prices ,then i'm going to raise civil servantes ralaries after that i'm going to build a hospital because it very important and i going to impose higher taxes on cigarettes & i'm going to provide occomodation houses for all.
next, i'm going to organise compaigns to clean the town , then i'm going to build many mosques &many houses , then i'm going to pronde countryside with (water,hospitals, schools ...)
finally , i'm going to build libraries & public garden ,then im going to help poor people by giving them all what they need like money ,clothes....ect
i'm going to crrange english and french cources to the students so i do things that benefit youg people.
thank you all& best wishes.
اتمنى ان يعجبك

شكرا كثيرا مرومة لا أعرف كيف أشكرك والله منذ وضعت الموضوع وانا انتظر ان يجيب احد وفلم يجب احد فبدات بصياغة الفقرة وحدي بمساعدة القاموس لكن لما رجعت وجدت انكم وصعتم ردودو ففرحت كثيرا ولقد اعجبتني فقرتك
شكرا وربي يوفقك وينجحك واذا احتجتي الى مساعدة في الفلسفة او اي مادة اخرى ان استطعت سأساعدك

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مزعاش أحمد
تفضلي يا أخت ... أرجو من الله أن تستفيدي من هذا ، واكتبي على طريقتك :

The aim of this activity is to make the students re-invest the going to form to produce/write a
policy statement. Before setting the students to task, brainstorm the topic with thems and elicite
other ideas about what they are going to do if they are elected to an executive office. Make sure
the ideas are organised into sets/chunks that they will develop into paragraphs. The ideas can be
related to economy, society, the environment and so on and so forth.

مثلا :

Fellow citizens,
if i am elected to office, i’m going to improve the standards of life in our town. First, i’m
going to raise the salaries by 20 per cent ....
Moreover, i’m going to take a lot of measures to protect the environment and the health of our
citizens. I’m going to ...
Finally, i’m going to improve our health system. I’m going to build two thousand flats.

بارك الله فيك يا اخي ووفقك في دراستك سأستغل من ما اعطيتني انت واختي مرام شكرا جزيلا والله لا اعرف كيف اشكرك اي مساعدة ان استطعت باذن الله ساكون جاهزة وفقك الله دائما

واجبي غاليتي

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