عنوان الموضوع : اكسسوارات جميله لحواء
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

نبتــــــدى باللــــون الأحمــــــــــــــــــــر

وهادا اللــــــــــــــــون الأزرق والسمـــــــــــآوى

وهــــــــــآدآ اللــــــــــــون الأخضــــرررررر

وهـــــــــآدآ اللــــــووون العســـــلى أو الآورنــــج

وهــــــــــآدآ اللــــــــون البنـــــــــفســـــــجى

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :


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>>>> الرد الثاني :

ماشاء الله ... جمييييييييييل جدااا

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>>>> الرد الثالث :


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>>>> الرد الرابع :


There is no pride in the most expensive diamond in the solution to women, and no jewelry favorite Eve whatever the age of diamonds , is no longer diamonds is limited to women with high-income only , it Tuah designers so that it could even young girls are acquired because of his designs which blend the simplicity with the luxury of now. Notably,the diamond exceeded the strict limits established by the traditions of the past , and that a distinction between jewelry night and day , in the past , diamond stones , suitable for evening and night only , but today women are now festooned with any piece of diamond-embedded owned regardless of age or social-economic circumstances.As far as what makes the beauty of diamonds and feminine of the wear to the extent that attention should be paid to how to use it and wear it in a timely and correct way , and you ladies here are some tips on how to wear diamonds and the appropriate time for this:* Limited diamond accessories for hair pins or crowns of the occasions,evening wear ,evening,and is not appropriate to never show in the day.*No wear a full range of diamond only in the evening the night Otherwise , your look will be exaggerated and fer from elegant. *The day does not require a lot of accessories, one piece or two at most of this jewelry is enough, and preferably be a small piece and smooth.*Big earrings or dangle them grain diamond or pearl special occasions the evening and night only , and may wear small earrings diamond jewelry in daylight hours.*Prefers to wear accessories from hand rings and bracelets during daylight hours ,more large in this case is best worn in the evening.*Acceptable for women to wear an hour gem-encrusted pendant in the day and a very soft plucking a small stone.


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>>>> الرد الخامس :
