عنوان الموضوع : pizza with three Cheeses المطبخ الجزائري
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

Pizza with three Cheeses

Ingredients (serves 4):
- A pizza dough
- A goat cheese along
- 1 small jar of tomato sauce
- A roquefort
- 1 small bag of mozzarella
- 1 bag of 250 g of grated cheese
- Salt and pepper

Roll out the pizza dough in a pie plate, prick with a fork, and spread the tomato sauce over dough.
Cut slices of goat cheese and mozzarella, cut as thin slices of Roquefort.
Place the cheese sandwich (a slice of goat cheese, a mozzarella, Roquefort).
Top with grated cheese.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Bake at thermostat 7 (210 ° C) for 1 / 2 hour or more if necessary.
It makes a good pizza with a good thick eaten easily for those who like cheese. We can do it with any cheese. In general, it is successful.

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