عنوان الموضوع : preparation sheets لأساتذة اللغة الإنجليزية
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

Hello colleagues

I need all preparation sheets of english

lesson plan and unit plan , it is said there's a cd that includes

all preparation sheets

i need your help

الإخوة الكرام

السلام عليكم

أنافي أمس الحاجة تصميم الدروس للأطوار الثلاثة للثانوية الجزائرية لغة إنجليزية

بارك الله فيكم

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

شكرا لكم جميعا


>>>> الرد الثاني :

هذا بالضبط مايحتاجه جميع مدرسي الانجليزية في الطور الثانوي
لم اسمع بهذا القرص الذي تحدثت عنه واتمنى ان يكون موجودا
اما انا فاحتاج الى كتاب التلميد على شكل pdf وفي هذه الحال سوف انشىء المذكرات واضعها في متناول الزملاء


>>>> الرد الثالث :

أين أجد ما أريد بارك الله فيك


>>>> الرد الرابع :

Streams: First Year Classes (literary) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop And Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn

Warming up -T asks the pupils some questions related to the text given.
E.g.:-Why does Omar use the internet?
- Why does he download pictures?
-The pupils skim the text then answer. -In order to pick out examples.



-The teacher discusses the examples with his / her students.
-“T” explains
-Pps derive rules
-Pupils fill in the reminder.

-To interact with the learners about the sentences.
-To make them interpret the contexts in which the different sentences can occur.
-To derive rules.

Oral drill
-The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 examples.
-Students give examples.
-To check the pupils comprehension.

10mn Practice
Activity one -Teacher asks the pupils to do the activity 1 on the work sheet .
-Pupils think then do it.
-T checks.
-Pps correct. -To be able to use to, in order to, so as to and its negatives.
10mn Activity two
-Teacher read the instruction.
-Pupils do the activity.
-Teacher checks the pps answers.
-Pps correct on the board. -To be able to link sentences with their appropriate purposes.
10mn Activity three Pair Work:
-Pupil1 reads the first part of the sentence written in the card. The other pupils check for the completion in their cards then read the best completion using the appropriate linker. - To motivate pupils to practice the rules more and more.
-To use correct sentences expressing purpose.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their own expressing the purpose -To build up correct meaningful sentences expressing purpose.

The teacher :
Steps Sollutions
Warming up - He always uses the internet to research
- He downloads a lot of pictures from there in order to use them in his work

The Reminder
* We use to, so as to, in order to to express purpose.
* To, so as to, in order to can be used in the beginning or in the middle.
* The negatives are: not to, in order not to, so as not to.
* After to, so as to, in order to and their negatives we use a verb (stem)

Oral drill

Activity One

- to – in order to – so as not to – to –in order not to

Activity Two
1- so as not - a
2- in order to - c
3- to - d
4- in order not to - b

Activity Three
Pair Work:
1-She gives her daughter a chocolate in order to stop crying.
2-He doesn’t shout so as not to disturb his neighbors
3-He got a new e mail to chat with his friends.
4-I’ve collected money so as to buy q dictionary.



>>>> الرد الخامس :

أريده على النحو التالي
