عنوان الموضوع : اختبار الفصل الاول في الانجليزية
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم

اخواني لي داروا اختبار في مادة الانجليزية ولا عندهم اختبار مضى

يعطيهلي من فضلكم غدوة عندنا اختبار

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

مزال مدرناش سمانة جايا


>>>> الرد الثاني :

مزال مزلنا مدرناش السمانا الجايا


>>>> الرد الثالث :

يعطيك الصحة خويا


>>>> الرد الرابع :

درنا اليوم بصح ماعنديش كيفاه ندير باش نكتبهلك
بصح ساهل بزاااااااف


>>>> الرد الخامس :

درنا اليوم بصح ماعنديش كيفاه ندير باش نكتبهلك
بصح ساهل بزاااااااف


مزال مادرناش


غدوة نديروووووووو

احنا مازال

ليس بعد بالتوفييييييييييق

Mazelll madernech

jai dimanche meme je cherche english exam

There are only two weeks now before my trip begins. I am very excited .I can hardly
wait to see you. My uncle has sent me my plane tickets, and I have already received
them . I have written letters to both grandmothers, so they know when I am coming. I
haven’t seen grand mother Taylor in Chicago for two years. I haven’t seen grand mother
Singer in Miami since I was ten.
I ‘ll stay in Chicago for a week, and I’ll be in Miami for another week. My plane will
land in Caracas on June 14th, just one month from today .I will stay with my uncle for a
month, until July 15th. What clothes will I need in Venezuela? I haven’t bought anything
new yet.I have never visited outside the United States before .I have never flown alone
before, either .I won’t be afraid. My uncle will pick me up at the airport in Caracas. My
mom says that I won’t have any trouble. I hope not.
See you in Caracas
A/ Reading comprehension (7pts)
a- how many interrogative sentences are there in the above passage?
b- Answer the following questions according to the letter:
1- Is Sara very happy to travel?
2- Has she visited the United States before?
3- Where is she going to travel?
4- How many days will she spend with her uncle?
c - What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?
d-find words in the text which have the same meaning as the following ones:
1- journey =………….. 2- travelled by plane=………………..
e- Find words in the text which are opposites to the following ones:
1-received#…………. 2: sold#…………….
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد
2009- فرض المراقبة رقم 1 السنة الدراسية : 2008
المستوى : 1 ثانوي الشعبة : ج م آداب / ج م ع و تكنولوجيا المادة: انجليزية عدد الصفحات: 2
إعداد : عقاد مليكة/أستاذة تعليم ثانوي
B/ ******** study: (7pts)
a- Supply punctuation, apostrophes and capital letters where necessary:
did Sarah’s parents go to italy last august..
b- Ask questions on the underlined words.
This child usually plays in the garden.
c- Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1- I (watch) a film now.
2- The president (make) a speech two days ago?
d-- Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one:
1-It’s necessary for pupils to put on pinafores at school.
Pupils……………………………pinafores at school.
2- you are not obliged to study music in a ******** school.
You…………………………………music in a ******** school.
3-the man is standing near our house. He is my father.
The man ……………………near our house is my father.
e- classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”
Worked completed arrived travelled landed
“d” “t” “id”
Section two: Written expression (6pts)
choose one of the following topics:
Topic one:
use the following ideas and write a paragraph about your next holidays.
Go to Bejaia …. Swim in the beach ….. go sightseeing…..meet new friends……..
Have a walk……………. buy some souvenirs… …enjoy my holidays….etc……
Subject two:
write a letter to your pen friend to tell her about your future holidays. Pay attention
to the layout (presentation) of the letter.

بآرك الله فيكــــــــــــــــــــــي يآ أختي مروة و ج ــــــــــــــزاك خ ـــــــيـر الجـزآء،،،
بالتوفيـــــــــــــق لك للج ــــــــــميعــ في الإمتح ــــــــــانات...