عنوان الموضوع : bac blanc anglais ثالثة ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

الجمهــوريـة الجــزائــريــة الديمـوقــراطيـة الشـعبيـــة
وزارة التـربيـة الـوطنيــة امتحـان بكالوريا التجريبي دورة ماي 2015 اختبار في مـــادة الإنجليزية على الطالب أن يعالج أحد الموضوعين على الخيار الموضوع الأول

Part One: Reading a) Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
The theft of intellectual property has become as serious for society as the theft of physical property. Not only has problem grown in size -now accounting for 600 billion per year in counterfeit goods worldwide- but also in the range of products and geographic scope.Almost every successful product -pharmaceutical, toy, spare parts for cars and aircraft, software, entertainment products, clothes, cosmetics and fashion accessories- is being copied. All regions are now both production and consumption areas, and almost no country is unaffected by the problem.
Intellectual property theft has become a sophisticated industry using high technology, the internet, and the networks know-how of organized crime. Counterfeiting and piracy are more profitable than narcotics but without the risks; they are becoming the number one crime of the 21st century. Combating them has become a priority for society, and not just for intellectual property right holders.
It is time for all sectors to unite, to pool resources and knowledge, and to work under one umbrella with governments and enforcement agencies. In recent months, more than 600 companies and organizations from all parts of the world, including Interpol, the world Customs organization and the world Intellectual Property Organization have joined together in Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy, a new initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce.

1/ The text is : a)- an advice , b)- a request, c)- a message
2/ Are the following statements true or false?
a- The theft of intellectual property is not as serious as the theft of physical property.
b- All countries are affected by the problem of counterfeiting.
c- Combating has become a priority for both society and intellectual property right holders.
3/ Answer the following questions according to the text
a- Why has intellectual property theft become a sophisticated industry?
b- Mention three organizations which have joined together to stop counterfeiting?
4/ Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a) the problem (§2) b) they (§3)
5/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that:
a- Different products are copied.
b- Counterfeiting is so beneficial.
6/Choose a suitable title for the reading passage.
a) Is counterfeiting out of control ?
b) Intellectual property.
c) Authentic and fake products.

صفحة 1/2

Text Exploration :

1/ Find in the text words closest in the meaning to the following:
Stealing (§1) , advanced (§2) , drugs causing drowsiness (§2)
2/ Complete the table.
Verb Noun Adj
To Combat ....................... ...............
....................... ..................... Profitable
......................... Initiation .........................
3/ Ask questions that the underlined words answer.
a- We welcome the continued engagement.
b- Since enactement of the foreign corrupt practices act of 1977, the United States has provided indispensable leadership.
4/Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
A1- Law is totally absent to check the acts of wrong doers.
B1- The acts of wrong doers………………………………..
A2- “ Don’t worry, no one will know how the illegal fortunes have been gathered” he said.
B2- He said ………………………………………………….
A3- Big sums of money get deviated from their destination thus incomes of government have been reduced.
B3- Due to ……………………………………………………
A4- Transgressions to law and morality weaken the resources of the state.
B4- If ………………………………………………………….
5/ Underline the silent letters in the following words.
Counterfeit , working, rights.
6/ Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.
- property - market - consumers - legitimate
(a) end up with inferior products with no after- sales services,
and less choice as...(b).... manufacturers pull out of (c) where
intellectual (d) theft is prevalent.
Part two: Written Expression. Choose one topic
Topic one :In a composition of 10 lines, define counterfeiting and explain how it can be harmful.

Topic two :
In your city, you feel that consumers are not protected against the dangers
of restaurants and fast-food shops. So you decided, with a group of friends to create an
association of consumers.
Write a composition in which you expose the reasons and objectives of this association.
You may use the following ideas :
Reasons: Food contains much fat and sugar/poor diet/too much dust and dirt/uncontrolled food.
Objectives: To sensitize the consumers / to protect them / to consume safe products.

صفحة.2/2 بالتوفيق

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