عنوان الموضوع : بخصوص الفقرة في اللغة الإنجليزية رياضيات
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
Greetings, brothers and sisters
Concerning the bachelor paragraph, you said that it will be probably one of the three paragraph you mentioned them... which are : ethics in business, food safety and advertising and astronomy
My question is : how will the paragraph look like
I mean the question will be for example "talk about ethics in business, food safety and advertising and astronomy
in this case I will prepare three paragraohs that contain definitions of the three subjects (that'll be easy
or it'll be in another form like "are you for or against advertinsing? justify your answer
I hope that you could response to my question
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>>>> الرد الأول :
Noo bRo it will be in another form.....just llike ;;if the text talkin about advertisment .;for exampl MADE IN CHINA PRODUCTS ;and how can chinese advertise their products §!!in the paragraph they will ask u for ex WRITE A SHORT PARAGRAPH ABOUT THAT U POSE YOUR IDEA are u agree or not with the author?;..
>>>> الرد الثاني :
they will ask u any question about the unit just like HOW CAN WE HELP OUR COUNTRY TO GET RISIN OUR ECONOMIC
>>>> الرد الثالث :
thank YOU buddy
>>>> الرد الرابع :
the quetion will be difrent
There is no specific formula in paragraph question
>>>> الرد الخامس :
you'R welCome Broooooooooo
اشرحولنا بالعربية اوموا نفهموا شويا
هيا Sir ربي يفتح عليك
تستاهل خويا سقسيت برك على الفقرة والطريقة التي من الممكن أن تكون عليها
حسب الإستاذ تاع الإنجليزية (من المنتدى) راهو يقول بلي كاين ثلاث مواضيع راني ذكرتهم لفوق
كاشما عندك معلومات خويا ؟
معلومات من عندك خويا
كان تصيب تفهمني كيفاش ندير فقرة يسما درت فيا خير كبير
ربي يفتح علينا ان شاء الله
عندي واحد الورقة إذا سكانيتها نبعتها لخويا فيها تقريباً 12 فقرة نتا شوف المواضيع المتوقعة
prepare the paragraphs that you mentioned ... that will help you to write any paragraph can be asked ....
Brother they can ask us to talk about possitives .and negatives effects of advertising or the anti-corruption programme or the rusult of conterfeit