عنوان الموضوع : i'need help in english ثانية ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
[CENTER]good evening for every one
today our english teacher asked us to write a paragraph on the occasion of the end of this year
in this paragraph we answer to this 2 questions :
what good things you have achieved and what bad things you have faced
also we speaking about our studies
the english subject did it improve or went down if yes say how and if no say why
so i need your ideas and your opinion about this year
help me please [/CENTER]
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>>>> الرد الأول :
you can start like
in this year many things had happned to me good and bad one
>>>> الرد الثاني :
thank you fifi
can i ask you for your opinion about this year
?if it is a good year for you or no
>>>> الرد الثالث :
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة HOUYAM DZ ![]()
thank you fifi
can i ask you for your opinion about this year
?if it is a good year for you or no
hhhhhhhhhh ok my answer will be this year was the best year ever for me i really made some of my dreams came
true some of them are to opt for mathemathic stream and to get good marks .In addition i made new friends and i learn a lot of things specially i learned new words in english and french this year i really loved english because of my lovely teacher she is very active and clever ..............
>>>> الرد الرابع :
-_- for me : oh this year it is the worst of all years
>>>> الرد الخامس :
thank you my sister
if you are with me you'are welcome sister
السلام عليكم~~
for me this year was simple and normal like the other years
i had faced good things like meet a new friends and teachers
who i made with them a new family
............and about bad things
thank you and i wish that the next year will be better for you
thanks for your opinion
حالتنا حنا الله غالب ماتعجبش
و كل المواقف الجميلة هي الطوايش الخارجين عن القانون للنسيان و نضحكوا على بعضانا ههه
ماعندي حتى فكرةةة ااااااااااااااااااسفة اختي هيام
Hhhh désolée, je suis trop fainéante pour rédiger un paragraphe en Anglais .. Bon courage en tout cas
this year was a bad year to me
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة HOUYAM DZ ![]()
thank you and i wish that the next year will be better for you
inchallah merci