عنوان الموضوع : احتاجه بعد نصف ساعة...ارجوووووكم !!!! اولى ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم

دوون اطالة
ارجوووووووووووكم بعد نصف ساعة لدي الاختبار

اريد فقرة في الانجليزية تتحدث عن التلوث انواعه و اسبابه
و اذا عندكم الحلول تاع التلوث اعطوهالي في نقاط برك و انا نصيغها
لابد انكم درتوه في الكراس....

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

اين انتم.....بلييييييييييييييييز ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟


>>>> الرد الثاني :



>>>> الرد الثالث :

و الله مانعرف الانجليزية


>>>> الرد الرابع :

Pollution is contamination by a chemical or other agent that renders part of the environment unfit for intended or desired use. It deserves emphasis that the environment also refers to the place where you live. Natural processes have released toxic chemicals into the environment throughout the history of the earth. Currently, the pollution generated by human activities presents the most serious problem.
There are basically 3 types of Pollution. They are:
1)air pollution

2) Water pollution
3) Land Pollution
Some of the major Causes of the Pollution Crisis are as follows:
i) Deforestation – For the establishment of factories, industries and due to urbanization in various parts of the world, trees are cut on a large scale without any adequate efforts to plant new trees. This leads to deforestation, which has caused a rise in the pollution levels and distortion of natural order.
ii) Polluted rivers – The wastewater and liquids from plants and factories are linked with nearby river water, which are polluted when they release disposal from these units. People in Developing/Undeveloped countries also pollute rivers by using the water in these rivers for washing clothes, utensils, bathing and other activities.


>>>> الرد الخامس :

لا بأس...شكرااا


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nafoooooouse
pollution is contamination by a chemical or other agent that renders part of the environment unfit for intended or desired use. It deserves emphasis that the environment also refers to the place where you live. Natural processes have released toxic chemicals into the environment throughout the history of the earth. Currently, the pollution generated by human activities presents the most serious problem.
There are basically 3 types of pollution. They are:
1)air pollution

2) water pollution
3) land pollution
some of the major causes of the pollution crisis are as follows:
I) deforestation – for the establishment of factories, industries and due to urbanization in various parts of the world, trees are cut on a large scale without any adequate efforts to plant new trees. This leads to deforestation, which has caused a rise in the pollution levels and distortion of natural order.
Ii) polluted rivers – the wastewater and liquids from plants and factories are linked with nearby river water, which are polluted when they release disposal from these units. People in developing/undeveloped countries also pollute rivers by using the water in these rivers for washing clothes, utensils, bathing and other activities.

ربي يعطيك ما تتمناي....شكرااااااااا

السلام عليكم تفضلي هذا الرابط فيه ما تحتاجين إن شاء الله
من هنا

Pollution is a problem that all countries of the world suffer. we destroyed the environment with our factories, believing that change is about to be, so we put our planet in danger
cars, who plan noxious fumes everywhere, trash thrown anywhere, the construction of new cities, which reduces the surface of Agriculture. .. and full of worries
man is he who caused this pollution and it is he who will suffer the consequences and face
The results are alot of diseases that attack everyone, the disappearance of animals and plants that cause an imbalance in nature, the air is fresh ... more and other consequences

man must respond and correct its mistakes before the pollution reaches levels more advanced

Clear that I had missed the time and did not help you, but I see that has been helping you
May God help you in the exam you and your colleagues
And sorry for the delay

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة widad_08
ربي يعطيك ما تتمناي....شكرااااااااا

امين ماكانش في داع للشكر هدا واجبنا

khatini englais loukan jit na3raf nmadlak paragraphe machi khsara fik khti

هذاوين جيت
لقيتهم قامو بالواجب و اكثر

شكر للجميـــــــع اللي دخلو للموضوع...

اتمنى انك وجدت ما تطلبينه ان شاء الله.