عنوان الموضوع : انجلزية للاولى ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
من يقوم بحل هده السيجيات غدا ارجوكم امتحان انجلزية
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
شكراا لك جزاك الله خيرا
>>>> الرد الثاني :
بليييز حلي معايا
>>>> الرد الثالث :
سأحاول فيه
>>>> الرد الرابع :
ليست في هذا القسم
>>>> الرد الخامس :
اوك راني نسنى
2-true/ true ya3ni hna fl7a9 not mention ms madam galek early age donc true / false/ true/
he inverted a practical electric light.
his mother-
lthe job he had it at the age of 16 telgrapher.
no he didn't attend school regularly-
hadi section one dok nzid nmdlkom alba9i
They went to France , Its capital is Paris
if i were you, i would tell him
water will turn into ice if it freezes
if i saw an interesting
i will buy big house
he needs moeny, as a resulat he will buy a car لكن هذه الجملة ممكن تكون غالطة في بلاست باي حقها تكون سال
they go to school because they have to study
though she is watching tv it's too late
the computer is very useful.However, its leads to loneliness
many people are drive too fast
اوك شكرا ر
what did louis pasteur discover
how much it take him to find it
where did he do the expeiment
did he take a honers for that
ms eq ndirlkom topic 2 thani gololi gbal manro7 nergod lOooOol
topic 2
topic2 rani 5ayrt mobile okkkkkk
people face lot of problemes therfore scientists invernted stuf which solve this problemes and from the greatest inventions that helped people the mobile for exemple if you are lost, you can call for durections or if you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance you can take pictyures of you and listen to music,text and play games when you are bores=d
en conclusion every person has got cellphone because they do know its advatanges
شكرا اختي مي لازم نحترموا هدوك القواعد تاع البروبلام هو الاول ومباعد الحل ومباعد المشكل مع الحل ومباعد الحل النهائي احنا هاك قاتلنا ديروا ولاكن شكرا على كل شئ
كشما افكار ومقدمات او فقرات ظرك عندي اختبار في الانجلزية
ماكان حتى افكار ركزي برك هادا ماكان باش تدي مليح