عنوان الموضوع : سبحان الله مكانش لي يفهمنا فمشروع الانجليزية ص 161 سنة 1 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

سبحان الله مكانش لي يفهمنا فمشروع الانجليزية ص 161 ياااااو فير فهموني برك مانحبوش واجد

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

السلام عليكم

اختي سمحيلي لم انتبه لموضوعك

ان شاء الله يعجبك

Making a consumer guide:

01- The shampoo:
It has no side effects on the human body (eyes, skin …), it doesn’t include any chemical products so no negative sides on the environment.
Compositions: water, eggs, fragrance, conservers…
Packing: Plastic or glass bottles with spray of easy use.
Marketing: Call your nearest delivery merchant and don’t miss the special offer for bran’s present.
02-The perfume:
Although it contains alcohol, it is non-inflammable so it has no danger on both the body and the surrounding.
Compositions: water, SD alcohol, fragrance.
Packing: flip-top boxes in an attractive way for different usages and circumstances (feasts, marriage, gifts…).
Marketing: Limit stocks, order right now.
03-The toilet paper:
100 % hygienic and safe paper. Its fragrance, easy use and other characteristics, it is on you to find. The let-outs have no negative emphasis on the environment. It could be used by children.
Compositions: paper, fragrant chemical products…
Packing: rollers and impermeable boxes,
Marketing: We can deliver you needs at home.

The letter:

Dear gentlemen,
We are sorry to write you this letter complaining to the products you are delivering nowadays to the consumers.
We wish to include the following notes, which I hope you would take into consideration:
- The shape is in a messy order, thus the let packing show an ugly face of the product and the let-outs deface the environment.
- The *******s of the products may constitute a danger on the consumers’ health.
- In order to participate in environment protection, we would be grateful to you reestablish the factory in an open space air.
- Stock the sewage in barrels.
Consumers’ Association

اختي هذا ما قدرت نساعدك انتي جيبي فوتوات من عندك



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