عنوان الموضوع : الي كل من يتقن الفرنسيه والانجليزية
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم
ابي طلللب بلييز واتمنى تساعدوني
معليش لي يعرف الانجليزية يكتبلي فقرة ايمايل قصير تكتب فيه لصاحبتك كيفماه قضيتي العطله الصيفيه
اما الفرنسيه فقرة على le cycle de l'eauuuuuuu
بليز نحتاجهم غدوة
ربي يوفقكم دنيا واخرة

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

net9anhom les deux mais ani 3eyana
mais dok nseyi ndirlek wa7ed te3 englais
w francais sahla chofi 3end tonton google


>>>> الرد الثاني :

Dear meri,

hi sweet heart .. how are you doing ? i wish you're fine
because you asked me about my summer vacation
i'll try to give you a glance about it
well as you know the first month ended quickly so
i didn't had enough fun .. and because RAMADAN
was coming we needed to prepare our homes our selves
no sea no sun nothing else than working in the kitchen
the 2nd month was amazing ramadan always makes us happy
and love to do good with poor people
ramadan went and l'aid came .. and what a happiness
makes our world awsome .. i was happy with my new cloths
and with mom's delicious sweetmeats
all that finished and the plans for vacation is came
so after a week me and my family think to go in comping
we choose to go to béjaià .. and it was amazing

we spent there 2 weeks .. we visited a lot of beautiful places

and like taht i spent my vacation .. not amazing at all

i 'm waiting for your reply

love you


>>>> الرد الثالث :

ani dertlek chwiya 5er6i en englais
w mad5eltch f tafacile .. dertlek wach jani fi rassi
wela n9oulek sa7 .. hh sa7abtii mo9bil 7katli 3la
les vacances dyalha ychebhou lhadou berk ana ne9est w zedt chwiya



>>>> الرد الرابع :

اووووو مرسي ربي خليك حنونتي
ان شا الله نعوضهالك دلبوو مروووش فديتك
يسلمو غلاتي جعله في ميزانك


>>>> الرد الخامس :

هههه عاد المهم فقرة ربي يخليك


salem alikum
meri7,i'd like to say a thing
exchange :word (sea) with :beach
it's will be better

& i ask allah to help you!
جزاك الله الف خير

oké salie thanks for your note