عنوان الموضوع : الى Ňàđĵảt Ľǿķa Ṕǿŗ-ểľ للثانية ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

اهلا نجاة اخبارك ؟
طبعا متعرفينيش انا طالبه علوم تجريبيه
حسنا اختى لقد لاحظت انك متوفقه في مادة الانجليزيه ||<<<ربي يبارك
المهم اخختى نتمنى منك تلبيلي طلبي وتساعديني في حل هدا الموضوع فالانجليزية




لك كل الود مني
اتمنى تساعديني
اختك وردة

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

Ahlààn Bikk Okhtéé Wardaà

Ouéé N3awnéék makach Mochkil ^^"


>>>> الرد الثاني :

شكرا اختي
لن انسى لك هدا الجميل
ملاحظة انا خارج مجال التغطية فالانجليزيه على الرغم اني نحبها بصح منفهمش الووووووو فيها


>>>> الرد الثالث :

Hhhhhhh Ma3liiich Khtéé
Ranéé Hna I'll help you whenever you need

Bn Kifeh Thebéé
NheloOh m3a ba3d wella Nhetlak les reponces
wella ..
Choféé li twalméék !!


>>>> الرد الرابع :

اممم ربي يسترك
نقلك حطي الحل برك هع هع
||\lمنعرفش والو باه نحل معاك هههه يمكن نحل تع لقواعد برك هع


>>>> الرد الخامس :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة wardouna
اممم ربي يسترك
نقلك حطي الحل برك هع هع
||\lمنعرفش والو باه نحل معاك هههه يمكن نحل تع لقواعد برك هع

Hhhhhhh Po Grv

Ntéé 7awlééé Fih Chwiya

anaà Doka Mama Rahéé T3aréch Nod netghada

w KI njéé nhetlak el7al

mmmm Okéé ??


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ňàđĵảt Ľǿķa Ṕǿŗ-ểľ
hhhhhhh po grv

ntéé 7awlééé fih chwiya

anaà doka mama rahéé t3aréch nod netghada

w ki njéé nhetlak el7al

mmmm okéé ??

هههه اوك مكانش مشكل
وسامحيني عع تعبك
بصحتك مقدماا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة wardouna
هههه اوك مكانش مشكل
وسامحيني عع تعبك
بصحتك مقدماا

Sorry 3la Royard

Dok Nebda Nhel

ok^.^ hanona

A)1. the text is a newspaper article
2.a- yes, they do care about the damage they cause to the environment
b- the fact that they have children has made them think about what sort of world they'll leave for the next generation
c- the measures the davies do to avoid the use of wasteful products are ; avoiding to take some unnecessary packaging (using plastic bags), they also send their bottles to be recycled in the bottle bank
4.useful energy at home>polluting the atmospher with CO²
bottles/bags wastes>atmospheric pollution by the methane
disposable nappies>rubbish pile
a- persuaded=convinced
b-treated so as to be used again=Recycled
c-wasteful product=rubbish (i guess?)
2. b- the bottles are send to be recycled in the bottle bank by thye Davies
b-A great deal can be done by the davies to protect the environment
3-were able to
4-must be
4.could you tell me what are the most dangerous types of pollution >down
dangerous >down
chemicals >up
fumes >up
noxious gases >up
noise >down

Vrément Ds tawalt 3liiik

ida kayen kéch akhta2 wela kéch ma Nssit 9oliléé Psq 7alitoO Bsor3a
9bal ma yeblokéé elmicroO -_-'

w Paragraph
wech mén topic Thebéé 1 wella 2??

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ňàđĵảt Ľǿķa Ṕǿŗ-ểľ
A)1. the text is a newspaper article
2.a- yes, they do care about the damage they cause to the environment
b- the fact that they have children has made them think about what sort of world they'll leave for the next generation
c- the measures the davies do to avoid the use of wasteful products are ; avoiding to take some unnecessary packaging (using plastic bags), they also send their bottles to be recycled in the bottle bank
4.useful energy at home>polluting the atmospher with CO²
bottles/bags wastes>atmospheric pollution by the methane
disposable nappies>rubbish pile
a- persuaded=convinced
b-treated so as to be used again=Recycled
c-wasteful product=rubbish (i guess?)
2. b- the bottles are send to be recycled in the bottle bank by thye Davies
b-A great deal can be done by the davies to protect the environment
3-were able to
4-must be
4.could you tell me what are the most dangerous types of pollution >down
dangerous >down
chemicals >up
fumes >up
noxious gases >up
noise >down

Vrément Ds tawalt 3liiik

ida kayen kéch akhta2 wela kéch ma Nssit 9oliléé Psq 7alitoO Bsor3a
9bal ma yeblokéé elmicroO -_-'

w Paragraph
wech mén topic Thebéé 1 wella 2??

ouuu mrc bcp ma belle wlh ma nnsalk had el m3rof
nn mkayn hata chi na9ss
mmm kima thbi les yjik sahel had howa
vrément mrc mrc mrc bcccp

Topic One

You: Good morning
your partner: ...
you: hello?
your partner: Oh yes , hi
You: you look preoccupied, what are you thinking about?
your partner: well, yesterday i've watched a documentary about the most dangerous problems facing human in this century , pollution was the main subject; it's a serious problem causing many diseases and could risk our lives
You: really! i didn't know it was that bad.
your partner: it is, and we need to do something about it before it gets worst.
You: yes, we have to stop it. but how?
your partner: well, we can start by throwing rubbish in special places, build factories outside the cities and encouraging voluntary associations to keep cities tedy.
You: yes, also we should start using alternative energy since it's more safe and less polluting.
your partner: and start planing campaigns to make people aware of the situation and warn them.
you: yes that's a great idea, we have to convince people to help protecting our mother earth.

Aya Hakéé
àyé Khidma

aaaaaaaaaaa haka ya nadjat l3abtiha biya jit stenitek sba7

9ribb bkiiit

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ňàđĵảt Ľǿķa Ṕǿŗ-ểľ

topic one

you: Good morning
your partner: ...
you: Hello?
your partner: Oh yes , hi
you: You look preoccupied, what are you thinking about?
your partner: Well, yesterday i've watched a documentary about the most dangerous problems facing human in this century , pollution was the main subject; it's a serious problem causing many diseases and could risk our lives
you: Really! I didn't know it was that bad.
your partner: It is, and we need to do something about it before it gets worst.
you: Yes, we have to stop it. But how?
your partner: Well, we can start by throwing rubbish in special places, build factories outside the cities and encouraging voluntary associations to keep cities tedy.
you: Yes, also we should start using alternative energy since it's more safe and less polluting.
your partner: And start planing campaigns to make people aware of the situation and warn them.
you: Yes that's a great idea, we have to convince people to help protecting our mother earth.

aya hakéé
àyé khidma

وربك مافي كلام قادرة اشكرك به امانه امانه ادا تبين شي لا تترددي امانه
نجو اتمنى تكوني لي صديقه اتمنى وربك غلاتي ادا تملكي حساب فايس ارسلي رساله امانهى

ومشكوووووووووووووووورة الف مرة مشكوووووره

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة samara lara
aaaaaaaaaaa haka ya nadjat l3abtiha biya jit stenitek sba7

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة samara lara

9ribb bkiiit

Yààà mossiba Mémé ana jiit
Mais mal9it 7atta msg wella Rad menk
Ma3raftch Wiin Netla9aaaaw!!

NNnnnnn Plllllz 7àNonaaà Wlh Mateze3féé 3liya
Ma"lich I'm So Sorrryyyyyyy

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة wardouna
وربك مافي كلام قادرة اشكرك به امانه امانه ادا تبين شي لا تترددي امانه
نجو اتمنى تكوني لي صديقه اتمنى وربك غلاتي ادا تملكي حساب فايس ارسلي رساله امانهى

ومشكوووووووووووووووورة الف مرة مشكوووووره

hhhhhhhhhh Mahich 7aja Kbééra
Yékha 7achamtinééé Normal
I'm Your Friend Dija

Mmmmmm (fb Ana man'Connéctiich fééh bzzzf Psq dar mayHeboOch Rakéé Fahma )
Msg mane9derch Neb3atlek Psk Ma3andich Bzzzf Mocharakat
C bn Aba3tili fb ta3ék msg wana Nab3atléék

w matensayéch Wardaà Kech Matehtajéé Ranéé Hna