عنوان الموضوع : بحث النجليزية الثاني للسنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

جمعة مباركة لجميع الاعضاء طلبت منا استاذة الانجليزية بانجاز البحث الثاني و هو كالتالي
imagine you were assigned or chosen to save the planet.what conservation measures are you going to take to save earth and its living creatures
هلا افدتموني بمعلومات وصور او فيديو لانني اريد عمل هذا البحث كفيديو
في الانتظاااااااااااار........................

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>>>> الرد الثاني :

37 مشاهدة و 0 رد ما هذااااااااااااااااااااااااا


>>>> الرد الثالث :

سلام اخي انا تاني راه خاصني مي مرانيش فاهما واش راك باغي دير فهمني وان شاءالله نخدموه مع بعض


>>>> الرد الرابع :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة يارا08
سلام اخي انا تاني راه خاصني مي مرانيش فاهما واش راك باغي دير فهمني وان شاءالله نخدموه مع بعض

انا راني باغية معلومات على الاعمال التي سوف تقوم بها لحماية البيئة في مجال الماء التربة الغابات ............


>>>> الرد الخامس :

Mm ànà khàseni bà7che hada w màni fàhmà fihe wàloù psk jàbounà prof jedidà metfhnàche ga3 idà l9itou medouli


لم افهم قصدك جيدا
و لكن هدا هو بحثي للفصل الثاني
Conservation plan
Conservation fact sheet:
I) Natural resources
A) Soil
Continued vegetation clearance and erosion have limited the area of fertile brown soils to those uplands where evergreen oak forests are still found. Mediterranean red soils occupy the lower elevations in much of the northern Tell. Farther south the soils become progressively immature as aridity increases; they are characterized by little chemical weathering or accumulation of organic matter. In the desert areas soil development is further impeded by strong and nearly constant wind erosion. An ambitious project was initiated in the mid-1970s to create a “green barrier” against Saharan encroachment northward, reforesting a narrow strip up to 12 miles (19 km) in width and some 1,000 miles (1,600 km) in length; it proved only somewhat successful. Another plan, however, was introduced in the mid-1980s to reforest an additional 1,400 square miles (3,600 square km).
B) Water
Most of the rivers of the Tell Atlas are short and undergo large variations in flow. The largest river is the Chlef, which rises in the High Plateau, crosses the Tell Atlas, and flows through an east-west trough to reach the sea east of Mostaganem. The Chlef has been so intensively exploited for irrigation and drinking water that it has ceased to flow in its lower reaches during the summer months. South of the Tell Atlas there are only ephemeral rivers (wadis), and much surface runoff ends in chotts (salt marshes) within inland depressions. Several Saharan watercourses, in particular those flowing off the Ahaggar uplands, occupy valleys formed largely during pluvial periods in the Pleistocene Epoch (1,800,000 to 10,000 years ago). Some southward-flowing wadis feed the water tables beneath the Saharan surface, and desert oases appear in ********s where the water, under hydrostatic pressure, rises to the surface in artesian wells or springs.

C) Wild life & open spaces
the animal life of the northern mountains includes wild mouflons, Barbary deer, wild boars, and Barbary macaques. A multitude of migratory birds pass through the country, including storks and flamingos. In the Sahara, gazelles, fennecs, hyenas, and jackals can be found, together with many smaller mammals such as gerbils and desert hare. Insect life is abundant and is most spectacularly manifested in the region's periodic massive swarms of locusts. Scorpions are common in the arid and semiarid regions.
D) Mineral resources
Extensive deposits of sulfur-free light crude oil were discovered in the Algerian Sahara in the mid-1950s. Production began in 1958, concentrated in three main fields: Hassi Messaoud, in the northeastern part of the Sahara; Zarzaïtine-Edjeleh, along the Libyan border; and El-Borma, on the Tunisian border. Deposits of natural gas were first discovered at Hassi R'Mel in 1956, and since then discoveries have also been made at several other fields. Algeria ranks fifth in the world in terms of total gas reserves and second in gas exports. The gas has a methane ******* of more than 80 percent and also contains ethane, propane, and helium.
The main mining centers are at Ouenza and Djebel Onk near the eastern border with Tunisia and at El-Abed in the west. Extensive deposits of high-grade iron ore are worked at Ouenza, and major deposits of medium-grade ore exist at Gara Djebilet near Tindouf. Nearly all the high-grade iron ore from the open-cut works at Ouenza is used to supply the domestic steel industry. Reserves of nonferrous ****l ores are smaller and more scattered. These include sizable quantities of zinc and lead at El-Abed near Tlemcen—the source of most of the country's production—and of mercury ore at Azzaba. However, it is estimated that the zinc will be depleted in the early 21st century. Phosphate deposits of relatively inferior grade are mined south of Tébessa at Djebel Onk. About one-third of this supplies the Annaba fertilizer complex, but the remainder is exported as raw material. Overall phosphate production declined by the mid-1990s.Intensive prospecting for minerals in the Ahaggar Mountains has been carried out, and traces of tin, nickel, cobalt, chrome, and uranium have been found. Development of the Ahaggar uranium deposits began in the early 1980s. There are also sizable kaolin deposits at Djebel Debar and large reserves of marble at Djebel Filfila near Skikda.

مازال طويل
ان شئت فساضع البقية

U are wasting ur time bro

my english project

غيروا فقط المنطقة لي تسكنوا فاها

mabgache yatla3 khti chofi malah

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Rukia Kuchiki
مازال طويل
ان شئت فساضع البقية

ouii ida possible kamali le reste

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