عنوان الموضوع : write it up page 88 pllllzzz
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بلييييييييز ساعدوني اذا عملتوه في القسم write it up page 88

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>>>> الرد الأول :

WRITE IT UP (p.88)
Act. One (p. 88)
Go through the tip box before you move on to the writing activity proper.
A letter for seeking advice
A suggested letter to an “agony aunt”:
Dear Dr Wells,
I’m writing to you to seek advice. My name is Omar and I’m a secondary school student. I can’t
make up my mind about a personal problem.
I’ll sit for the baccalaureate exam soon. I’ll certainly succeed, but my parents are old and are in
need of financial help. I would really like to help them. However, If I do so, I will have to give up
my dream of becoming a doctor . In short I am in a dilemma. On the one hand, If I decide to help,
I will have to renounce to my registration at the university. On the other hand, if I don’t, I’ll feel
guilty of not helping my family. I have no one to turn to. What should/can I do ?
Act. Two(p.88)
Brainstorm the topic with your students. They can suggest different pieces of advice. Jot them on
the board and let them agree on one of them. For example, they can suggest registration at the
UFC (Evening University). This will allow ‘miserable’ the possibility of working during the day.
This is one way of working one’s way through college/university.


>>>> الرد الثاني :

thnnnnnnx o5tiii noussa


>>>> الرد الثالث :

bla mziya 7anounnaaaaaa kach 7aja rani hna okey


>>>> الرد الرابع :


>>>> الرد الخامس :
