عنوان الموضوع : مادا عن الفقرات المتوقعة في الانجليزية^^ بكالوريا علمي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

حياكم الله و بياكم اعضاءنا الاعزاء

كيف حالكم و كيف هي تحضيراتكم

وفقنا الله و اياكم

اخواني و اخواتي مادا عن الفقرات المتوقعة في الانجليزية

انا على حسب ما اخبرني زملائي

الاقمار الصناعية

مادا عنكم

وياليت لو تملكون هده التعابير ان توافونا بها

جزاكم ربي الجنة

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

.................................................. ....


>>>> الرد الثاني :

و عليكم السلام
مساوئ الإشهار كل عام تيح...


>>>> الرد الثالث :

وعليكم السلام
وي أدوك هوما
عندي تاع الرشوة بانتظار لخرين :

bribery is the crime of giving or receiving something of value to influence official action . both the person giving and receiving the bribe are guitly of bribery .
bribery is illegal for two reasons firstly it usually involves a public officials to makes unfair desicion that affect citizenes bribery is a very old crime . there is evidence of bribery dating back more than 4.000 years . usually a person who bribes a public official is paying to get special tretment can come in many forms . for example a company meight bribe an official to win government contract.
no one knows how often people commit bribery but many experts believe that most people who bribe officials are never caught . bribery is most common in some countries or parts of countries than in others . many countries have made it illegal to bribe officials froms other countries .


>>>> الرد الرابع :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة jàlil_22
و عليكم السلام
مساوئ الإشهار كل عام تيح...

هل تقصد انها لن تكون هده السنة
بارك الله فيك


>>>> الرد الخامس :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة isma3ilmoh
وعليكم السلام
وي أدوك هوما
عندي تاع الرشوة بانتظار لخرين :

bribery is the crime of giving or receiving something of value to influence official action . Both the person giving and receiving the bribe are guitly of bribery .
Bribery is illegal for two reasons firstly it usually involves a public officials to makes unfair desicion that affect citizenes bribery is a very old crime . There is evidence of bribery dating back more than 4.000 years . Usually a person who bribes a public official is paying to get special tretment can come in many forms . For example a company meight bribe an official to win government contract.
No one knows how often people commit bribery but many experts believe that most people who bribe officials are never caught . Bribery is most common in some countries or parts of countries than in others . Many countries have made it illegal to bribe officials froms other countries .

بار ك الله فيك


zidoulna lkhrin svp