عنوان الموضوع : جيبو 15 في لونجلي للثالثة ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

سلام عليكم

الكلام المباشر والغير مباشر Direct and Indirect Speech

الكلام المباشر وغير المباشر

Direct and indirect Speech

هذا الدرس ضروري جدا للتحضير للبكالوريا
دائما يأتي هذا الدرس في البكالوريا
حضروه جيدا فهو سهل وإن كانت لديكم أي استفسارات فأنا حاضر لمساعدة جميع أخواني في سكاي ديزاد

التحضير للبكالوريا في مادة الانجليزية
الدرس : الكلام المباشر وغير المباشر
Direct and indirect Speech

سندرسه في الثلاث حالات : 1) Statements 2) Questions 3) Commands
وببساطة نقول ان التحويل من الdirect لل indirect يكون حسب الجدول الآتي :

Indirect Direct [Meena]
Past (simple, continuous) Present (simple, continuous)
Would Will (H.K.)
Past perfect Past simple or present perfect
Would have + past participle Would + infinitive(المصدر)
Stays the same (تبقى كما
هي) Fact (حقيقة أو واقع)

وبعض الكلمات يتم تغييرها أيضا من الdirect لل indirect كالآتي :
+ This – that / these – those / here – there / now – then ( at that time ) / come – go, go – go, came-went, went-went / ago – before / today – that day / tomorrow – the next day, the day after , the following day / yesterday – the day before, the previous day / may – might . [Meena]
وبالنسبة للكلمات الآتية تظل كما هي :
Must , might , could , would , should , ought

والأمثلة التالية توضح هذه القواعد (الأمثلة التالية مرتبة حسب ترتيب القواعد في الجدول السابق) :
1) Statements (said to -- / told -- that)
1) Mark said to me, "I am learning French" - direct
He told me that he was learning French - indirect (reported)
2) He said to Mary, "I will come tomorrow"
He told Mary that he would go the next day .
3) He said to me, "I finished my work"
He told me that he had finished his work .
4) He said, "If I had the money , I would buy a house" .
He said that if he had had the money he would have bought a house .
5) When what is said is a fact, it remains the same.
He said, "The triangle has 3 sides" (H.K.)
He said that the triangle has 3 sides .
2) Questions (said to -- / asked – if, asked --, wanted to know )
--- Roushdy said, "What time do the banks close?"
He wanted to know what time the banks closed.
--- John said to me, "Are you playing now?"
He asked me if I was (were) playing at that time.
--- The policeman said to us, "Where are you going?"
He asked us where we were going
--- "Did you speak French?" He said to me.
He asked me if I had spoken French.
3) Commands (said to -- / ordered -- to , requested --to , asked -- to)
--- He said to me, "Go away"
He ordered me to go away [Meena]
--- He said to him, "Play the piano, please"
He requested him to play the piano.
--- He said to them, "Don’t shut the door"
He asked them not to shut the door.
All the previous examples are when what was said , was in the past (said to), but if the act is in the present (say) or in the future (will say) , the sentence does not change .

Ex: 1) He says , "This work is too difficult"
He says that this work is too difficult. (H.K.)
2) He will say, "This work is too difficult"
He will say that this work is too difficult.

H.W. rewrite the following sentences in the indirect form: [Meena]
1) They said "We are students" / They __________________________
2) He said "I'll be playing football tomorrow" _____________________
__________________________________________________ _____
3) She said "I've just finished" _________________________________
4) we say "she is beautiful" ___________________________________
5) you will say "He is smart" __________________________________
6) They said to me "Are you the English teacher?" __________________
__________________________________________________ ______
7) I said to him "Go away" ____________________________________

N.B .: 1) It is always better to use the direct speech, than the indirect speech.
2) It's not always necessary to change the verb when we change the direct into the indirect speech (the reported speech) especially if we are reporting (saying) something and we feel that it is still true or still happening : (H.K.)
Ex: Ahmed said "I want to go to Egypt"
Ahmed said (that) he wants (or wanted) to go to Egypt.
Zaki said "I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed"
Zaki said (that) he woke (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or had stayed) in bed.
بالتوفيق والنجاح لكل طلبة البكالوريا

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

Reported spitch jay mour el 3ataba


>>>> الرد الثاني :

mrcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc


>>>> الرد الثالث :


>>>> الرد الرابع :


>>>> الرد الخامس :
