عنوان الموضوع : .................. لتحضير البكالوريا
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم ممكن تساعدوني في الانجليزية في كتابة الفقرة ص 58 لي دارها يحطهالي باه نشوف الطريقة تع كتابة هده الفقرة و ندير وحدة خاصة بي
بلييييييييييييز ما تحشمونيش

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

ما لحقناش ليها للاسف


>>>> الرد الثاني :

شكرا على المرور يا اختي خولة على ما اعتقد


>>>> الرد الثالث :

اسفة يا اختي نشاالله الاعضاء الاخرين يساعدوك و ما يحشموكش


>>>> الرد الرابع :

Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be
compensations paid for irreparable damage butthe moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people‟s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one‟s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn‟t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn‟t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles

نتمنى تفيدك أختي


>>>> الرد الخامس :


Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken view point .
First ,imitations are of poor quality and do not last long . And according to statistics one of tenth of accidents are due to fake car parts . More importantly it is believed that the emergence of many dangerous illnesses is becouse of the widspread of fake food and medicines . There is also the example of the contaminated milk which has killed hundredsof thousands of newly-born babies in China . Thirdly , it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown . Pirating disuades creators and kills inovation . In addition to this pirating is by no means a crime . Fourthly , pirating soils the reputation of the country and gives a bad impession about it.
To conclude , one must remember that when one buys a fake product, he is in fact encouraging theft , disuading creativity and inovation ,
and above all he is ruining his country's economy.

ادعيلي معاك


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جوهرة الشمال1995
some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be
compensations paid for irreparable damage butthe moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the european union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people‟s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one‟s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn‟t like algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn‟t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles

نتمنى تفيدك أختي

ربي يعيشك حنونة و يحققلك كل امانيك

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة loola rayoo

some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken view point .
First ,imitations are of poor quality and do not last long . And according to statistics one of tenth of accidents are due to fake car parts . More importantly it is believed that the emergence of many dangerous illnesses is becouse of the widspread of fake food and medicines . There is also the example of the contaminated milk which has killed hundredsof thousands of newly-born babies in china . Thirdly , it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown . Pirating disuades creators and kills inovation . In addition to this pirating is by no means a crime . Fourthly , pirating soils the reputation of the country and gives a bad impession about it.
To conclude , one must remember that when one buys a fake product, he is in fact encouraging theft , disuading creativity and inovation ,
and above all he is ruining his country's economy.

ادعيلي معاك

شكرا لك حبيبتي ربي يسترك و ينجحك بالمعدل اللي راكي حاباتو

لولا تعيشي هادو الكامات مفهمتهمش ممكن مساعدة , disuades creators
disuading creativity and inovation

ان شاء الله اخت وكانش ما تستحقي حاجة اني هنا

Creators مصممين مخترعين
Creating تصميم اختراع
Innovation الابداع
Disuading يعني decourager

Dsl 3la retard

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Wiem4
شكرا لك حبيبتي ربي يسترك و ينجحك بالمعدل اللي راكي حاباتو

Mrc chérie aaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiin
Ya rab mwaf9in kamel nchlh

Reputation سمعة
Emergence ظهور فعل ظهر
Immoral غير اخلاقي
Impression انطباع
Newly born حديث الولادة
Soils يلطخ

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جوهرة الشمال1995
ان شاء الله اخت وكانش ما تستحقي حاجة اني هنا

ربي يعيشك حنونة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة loola rayoo
creators مصممين مخترعين
creating تصميم اختراع
innovation الابداع
disuading يعني decourager

dsl 3la retard

اوووووووه لولا شكرا كتير والله فضلتي عليا ربي يعيشك اختي