عنوان الموضوع : لمن يعرف اللغات ؟ دخووول ارجوكم لتحضير البكالوريا
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

السلام عليكم
كييف الاحوال مع الدرااسة ؟؟

الموضووع لمن يعرف اللغة الانجليزية .....
حول الفقرات

من يملك او يعرف كتابة الفقرااات اريد
وتكووون قصييرة بليييز
وهما :
Ethics en business
anti-crraption programme -

وماهو اسلوبكم في دراسة مادة اللغة الانجليزية والعربية والفرنسية ؟
لانهما يعتبراان عائق بالنسبة لي

كيف ادرسهم ؟؟


نحو باك 2015 ان شاء الله

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

السلام انت قاصدة الفقرة الي تتحدث عن اذا انتخبت رئيسا كيف ستمنع الرشوة فهمني بليييز موضوع الفقرة مشان شوف كيف اساعدك


>>>> الرد الثاني :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ahlam loli
السلام انت قاصدة الفقرة الي تتحدث عن اذا انتخبت رئيسا كيف ستمنع الرشوة فهمني بليييز موضوع الفقرة مشان شوف كيف اساعدك

نعم بالضبط هذه الفقرة من مفضلك ان تكوون صغييرة نوعا ما
وبارك الله فيك ^^


>>>> الرد الثالث :

اختي من فضلك امهليني بعض الوقت لأكتب لكي فقراتي

ارجو ان لا تكوني مستعجله


>>>> الرد الرابع :

تم رفع الموضوع




>>>> الرد الخامس :

I found it in this forum ^_^


Bribery is a form of corruption. It is the offering and receiving of any item of value; money property or advantage, its aim is to influence the action of any official. This unethical practice has become so widespread that it’s difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, governments must do their best to eradicate it first, a well implemented system of law should be implemented in order to prevent bribery, also, and bribers must be punished severely so that they will become examples for the others. In addition, companies have to sign commitment contracts which they promise not to break the law .fur there more, work of public officials, must be inspected regularly in order to ensure that they don’t receive any bribe. I Think that when regulatory controls are strict, official are afraid of committing such offences. However, when thy feel that no one is controlling their action, they will commit more and more crimes.
To sum up, I would say that no nation will develop or prosper if it doesn’t fight this dangerous phenomenon urgently .also I wish all citizens contributed in this battle so as to eradicate all forms of corruption.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة emà chéll
اختي من فضلك امهليني بعض الوقت لأكتب لكي فقراتي

ارجو ان لا تكوني مستعجله

لالا لست مستعجلة لك وقت طوييل

شكرا كثييرا ... يارب تسعدي في حياتك ^^

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ExAO
I found it in this forum ^_^


Bribery is a form of corruption. It is the offering and receiving of any item of value; money property or advantage, its aim is to influence the action of any official. This unethical practice has become so widespread that it’s difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, governments must do their best to eradicate it first, a well implemented system of law should be implemented in order to prevent bribery, also, and bribers must be punished severely so that they will become examples for the others. In addition, companies have to sign commitment contracts which they promise not to break the law .fur there more, work of public officials, must be inspected regularly in order to ensure that they don’t receive any bribe. I Think that when regulatory controls are strict, official are afraid of committing such offences. However, when thy feel that no one is controlling their action, they will commit more and more crimes.
To sum up, I would say that no nation will develop or prosper if it doesn’t fight this dangerous phenomenon urgently .also I wish all citizens contributed in this battle so as to eradicate all forms of corruption.

شكرا كثييرا اخي Exao ^^
جزاك الله خيرا

our country becomes a victim to all kinds of unethical busnesses which becom deseases eating ua a live like corruption
corruption attacks our offices and it spreads very quicly and we can not stop it only if we collectirely
if i'am the presedent of algerian i will eradicate bribery i will punish anyone corrupt and i will appoint honest civil servants
finally i tell you that no government can succed to fight unethical behaviour without he heip of all the citizen , so please vote me
اسفة على التاخير

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ahlam loli
our country becomes a victim to all kinds of unethical busnesses which becom deseases eating ua a live like corruption
corruption attacks our offices and it spreads very quicly and we can not stop it only if we collectirely
if i'am the presedent of algerian i will eradicate bribery i will punish anyone corrupt and i will appoint honest civil servants
finally i tell you that no government can succed to fight unethical behaviour without he heip of all the citizen , so please vote me
اسفة على التاخير

خذي وقتك اختااه

بارك الله فيك .. اسمحيلي اتعبتك

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Emà Chéll
تم رفع الموضوع



شكراااا اختاااه

anti-crraption programme -

dear fellow citizens

corruption is a big problem that keep holding our country back. therefore. it is high time we fought this evil.0

if i were elected mayor of our town i would implement the following anti-corruption programme

first. i would pass stringent laws to punish corrupt and protect people.0
next. i would reward honest civil servants by appointing them in higher positions and promote ethical behaviours in offices . and fight tax evasion.0

after that . i would encourage anti-corruption associations to raise people's awareness about the importance of this struggle.0

finally. i would focus on the role of these laws and their application and i wish to gather around me to make this programme.0

pllz tell mé a good § (hékà ygolo)