عنوان الموضوع : طلب تعبير للثالثة ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

من فضلكم اريد مساعدة في تعبير الانجليزية عن
education in the world
يعني كل من عنده تعابير حول هذه الوحدة يعطيها لي
و شكرا مسبقا

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

السلام عليكم ختي

انتي شعبة لغات ؟

انا عندي في وحد الكتاب education in japan
education in algeria
education in lybia


>>>> الرد الثاني :

نعم اختي انا شعبة اللغات و احتاجه ضروري ارجوكي اعطيني اياهم كلهم اذا استطعتي


>>>> الرد الثالث :

اوك راني نحاول نسكانيهم

قوليلي ختي وين راكم واصلين الالمانية ؟؟


>>>> الرد الرابع :

قريب نكملوا رانا في الوحدة قبل الاخيرة يعني راح نقراوهم كيف كيف مع الوحدة الاخيرة


>>>> الرد الخامس :

راكم كيما احنا

ختي راني نرفعلك فيهم على رابط اصبري عليا شوي

معليش تمديلي ايميلك للتواصل اكتر على القراية باينة




kikOu sista Choufi ce pti travaille i3adjbek peut étre ! lol

The education is merely the delivery of knowledge, skills and information from teachers to students, is inadequate to capture what is really important about being and becoming educated.

The proper definition of education is the process of becoming an educated person.

Being an educated person means you have access to optimal states of mind regardless of the situation you are in.

You are able to perceive accurately, think clearly and act effectively to achieve self-selected goals and aspirations.

Education is a process of cognitive cartography, mapping your experiences and finding a variety of reliable routes to optimal states when you find yourself in non-optimal states

بارك الله فيكم اخي و اختي بالنسبة للايميل اختي و الله انا قفلت ايميلي لظروف لكن يمكن ان نتواصل هنا في المنتدى

انا عندي نص على education in england

وين راااااااه هذا النص؟

In the uk 93 per cent of the children in england and wales go to state schools.state schools are non free-paying and organized by local authoroties -la- parents are however expected to pay for their child's schools uniform and items of sports wear . Schools may ask for voluntary contributions for school time activities -but no pupil may be left out of an activity if their parents or guardian cannot or do not contribute t 7 per cent of the children in england go to independent schools.independent schools are known as private schools ane public schools.parents pay for their children to attend these schools.in the uk the first level of education is known as primary education these are almost always mixed sex and usually located close to the child's home.most children transfer at the age of 11-usually to their nearest secondary school-though the law allows parents in england and wales to express preferences for other schools too.nearly 88%of secondary school pupils in england and wales go to comrehensive schools.these take children of all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education for all most of the children in a district from 11 to 16 or 18.grammar schools are selective they offer academically -oriented general education.entrance is based on a test of ability- usually at 11 . Grammar schools are single sexed schools:children either go to a boys grammar school or a girls grammar school هذا ذو النص نتمنى نكون افدتك سمحيلي على التاخير اذا احتجت اي حاجة في اي مادة قوليلي بالاك نقدر نعاونك انشاء الله ربي ينجحنا امين

سلام اريد تعابير لغة الاسانية الي عندو plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

عندي في الألمانية إذا تسحقي؟
