عنوان الموضوع : <= Special English
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

Slm les amiis biien ou kOii?..une petite révision pour ces truks dessus et
vous allez assurez 4Points Minimum en ANGLAiis inshalah

forme the noun,verbe,adjectif
1- Vous pouvez former des NOMS par 'dérivation' :- nom + suffixe : tooth + ache
- adjectif + suffixe : national + ity
- verbe + suffixe : employ + er
- préfixe + nom : in + ability

2- Vous pouvez former des ADJECTIFS par dérivation :
- verbe + suffixe : communicat + ive
- nom + suffixe : wind + y
- adjectif + suffixe : grey + ish
- préfixe + adjectif : un + interesting
3- Vous pouvez former des VERBES par dérivation :- préfixe + verbe : re + make
- préfixe + adjectif : en + able
4- Vous pouvez former des ADVERBES par dérivation :
- adjectif + ly : clear + ly
Pronunciation of Final S/
=Avec S: These sounds are voiceless:
/f/ /h/ /k/ /p/ /t/

=Avec z: These sounds are voiced:
/b/ /d/ /g/ /j/ /l/ /m/
/n/ /ng/ /r/ /v/ /w/
+ all vowel sounds

=Avec iZ: /s/ /ks/ /z/ /dg/

Prononciation du -ED final :

[I]1. Use /t/ after unvoiced final sounds
f, k, p, s, t, ch, sh, th)
2. Use /d/ after voiced final sounds
b, g, j, l, m, n, r, th, v, z, + vowels
3. Use / \d/ after
final /d/ and /t/

BY HAkiiM ..bn chance Mes amiis

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

شكرا جزيلا لك اخي ممكن تعابير لكل وحدة في الانجليزية لو سمحت


>>>> الرد الثاني :

slm, ouii bienssur! ta que me donné le théme de chaque unité...MERCii


>>>> الرد الثالث :

اوك اخي الوحدة الاولى
على Ancient Civilizations
الوحدة الثانية على ethic in business


>>>> الرد الرابع :

OKkii kHTitou, Pour demain N'shallah Tfahemna?


>>>> الرد الخامس :

اوك خويا بارك الله فيك


MERCii ...demain j v publié un sujet spécial pour ça, Promiis...d3ii lna berk Ndjibou l BAC

شكرا خويا لعزيز

thank you about your subject and good luck

thanks a lot It's really kind of you sir

شكرا جزيلا لك اخي ممكن تعابير لكل وحدة في الانجليزية لو سمحت

ولكن برنامج العلوم التجريبية

coucou, j'ai fii un sujet spécial paragraphes en anglaiis...va voiir peut étre tu trouve ce que tu cherche ..graciias

خويا نقدر نعاونك عندي تعبير مليح على ethics in businessنتمنى يفيدك تفضل
ethics is the set of moral rules that the professionals in many field are expected to respect when they deal either with each other or with the public.in business:ethics represents the attitudes that individuals and firms should comply with in the actions they perform and the decisions they take at every level of their realizations.
In societies where both political and cultural conditions exist for making every one obey this practice the main principles engaged in the economic branches should involve a good number of the qualities that have always served as the basis of civilization.among them we find the obligation to be honest and lawful in one's activities.it is also essential to act in conformity with the spirit of fair competition.
Next to these aspects:ethics requires from the various members and groups of economic sectors the payment of one's taxes and the necessity to treat one's employees with fairness.
To sum up:the moral values in use in modern societies necessitate from businessmen and companies alike a strict observance of the different precepts on which the efficiency and the prosperity of the whole community depends.as economy has become a system of interdependent structures any mistake or wrongdoing involved in it disturbs its balance and penalizes its functioning.that's why misbehaviours get punished severely.

T H N x SAHiiTi

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