عنوان الموضوع : استطيع مساعدتكم في اللغة الانجليزية بكالوريا ادبي
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب
إخواني اذا احتجتم الى المساعدة في اللغة الانجليزية استطيع تقديم العون لكم .. و الاجابة على اي استفسار
>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<
>>>> الرد الأول :
سلام ختي قوليلي علامن يعودو الضمائر كفاش نعرفوها وميرسي
واعطيلي كفاش نطرحوسؤال
>>>> الرد الثاني :
وين راكي ختيييييي
>>>> الرد الثالث :
نريد طريقة صنع سؤال اخي الكريم
wh or something
harry please
>>>> الرد الرابع :
الضمئر يعودوا علي الكلمات اللي قبلهم ، اذا كان their and them يعودوا علي أشخاص و its and their يعودوا علي اشياء
مثال : Ali went to his friends to play then he wt out with them
هنا them تعود علي friends
>>>> الرد الخامس :
The question can be like this :
In yes no question:
I work tonight
- do you work tonight?
It means adding an auxiliary according to the time of the verb ( do , did, ) ) + subject + stem +... the rest
And if the time is composed like : I have seen the boy
Or I was cleaning the house
It will be : the reverse of the auxi and the subject
Have you see the boy? And were you cleaning the house? Ok
And for wh questions:
Ex: Khaled stole the car
When we ask about the subject we only remove Khaled we put who
And if we ask about the car we say what did ( because stole in the past) Khaled steal and wehen we ask about the action . We say what did Khaled do?
If we ask about the place we use where , the time when , the reason why?
I hope that u could understand?
today ther are some 43 million pupils and students in public schools at .....
1- the next is narative
2- expository
هيا أخوتي ،، السوآل الأول أدب وفلسفة
نريد فقرة تحكي عن التعليم في الجزائر فيها 5 أو 6 أسطر
شعبة آداب وفلسفة
Education in Algeria is free of any charge, but private schools are authorised by the law. It is also compulsory under the constitution. All Algerian schools are mixed sex. The academic year starts in September and ends in June for southern regions and July for the other parts of the country with two 15 days break in December and March.
The educational system is structured as follows: the pre-school, the primary school, the middle school,
من فضلك الاخت حطيلنا الموضوع ربي يسترك
?!what topic you are asking about
الاخ من فضلك ادا كان عندك السوجي نتاع ادب وفليفة انجليزية حطولي ربي يحفضك
I'm sorry but I don't have it for the moment and I'm using my phone .. I'm so sorry but all I can say is : u don't have to worry .. The subject will be from the units that u have studied and the exercices will be the same ..
كاش جديد على موضوع الانجليزية شعبة اللغات