عنوان الموضوع : تحميل إختبارباك إنجليزية جديد ومقترح للتحضير حول Contributions of Phoenicians
مقدم من طرف منتديات العندليب

This is a newly proposed BAC exam for your preparation .It is destined for FOREIGN ********S
Even students of PHILOSOPHY may use it for preparation

This is the link to download


>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

شكرا ولكن اين الحل


>>>> الرد الثاني :

سلام ،سأضع رابط لتحميل حل هذا الإختبار على أقصى تقديريوم الخميس المقبل.
أردت إعطاء تلاميذ الأقسام النهائية مدة زمنية للمحاولة فقط ، شكرا

ستجدون رابط تحميل الحل هنا من خلال نفس المشاركة ،بالتوفيق.

Hello everybody, I shall add the link to download the correction of this exam paper during this week.
I wanted to give students a period of time in order to try to find the answers.

Good luck in your preparation


>>>> الرد الثالث :

merci beaucoup


>>>> الرد الرابع :

هذا هو رابط تحميل الإجابة النموذجية


good luck


>>>> الرد الخامس :

? thank u very much teacher it' a goood subject ...i will try to answer and make the paragraph but can u correct my paragraph


No problem .You put your paragraph here and i shall give your mark and observations.

My paragraph
In many centuries ago, ancient people built many civilizations in different parts in the worlds.
our ancestors left very important traces, which explain their life in many centuries ago. This remains represent people culture nowadays.
Due to the importance of ancestors remains, people must preserve their culture.
To begin with, people today should respect their traditions because it represent their past; no prosperous present or golden future without honest past.
Next, people had better organize exhibitions in order to definite their cultures and invite all the society categories especially children.
Then, written records have a great importance that's why people should keep it against loss.
More over, people ought to organize regular festivals in various arts.
In addition to that, i see that museums are the best place to keep valuable historical traces.
Finally, children are the most important categorie in society that people should educate and remind them of the glorious past of their ancestors.
To conclude, i told people that all the ancestors remains ( traditional clothes, dishes, works...) represent the national identity of people today so they must consolidate it in order to contribute in the development of their county

My paragraph
In many centuries ago, ancient people built many civilizations in different parts in the worlds.
our ancestors left very important traces, which explain their life in many centuries ago. This remains represent people culture nowadays.
Due to the importance of ancestors remains, people must preserve their culture.
To begin with, people today should respect their traditions because it represent their past; no prosperous present or golden future without honest past.
Next, people had better organize exhibitions in order to definite their cultures and invite all the society categories especially children.
Then, written records have a great importance that's why people should keep it against loss.
More over, people ought to organize regular festivals in various arts.
In addition to that, i see that museums are the best place to keep valuable historical traces.
Finally, children are the most important categorie in society that people should educate and remind them of the glorious past of their ancestors.
To conclude, i told people that all the ancestors remains ( traditional clothes, dishes, works...) represent the national identity of people today so they must consolidate it in order to contribute in the development of their county

Thank you very much sir.

بارك الله فيك اخي العزيز

Never mind, you are welcome
Good luck students

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